Speckled Sussex feathering

Wow, Cyn, that's a lot of white feathers! Just one more question and I'll leave you alone--why does my pullet's tail stand so upright? It looks like an Indian headdress! Thanks for all your input!

It's so windy this morning that is was kind of hard to get good pictures but here they are. Mine are 8 weeks today. In the first picture if the little pullet hadn't moved it would have been a better head shot of them both.

little roo


My SS girls are 14 weeks and usually hold their tails in a rather perky position; especially when walking/running. Here's a couple pictures as examples.
btw, the 4 of them have differing levels of white on them...they are hatchery, so I guess that's to be expected?


Thank you. Yours are beautiful too, they are going to be gorgeous when they feather out.
I find the SS very fun and incredibly curious and friendly; the most of the 5 breeds I have. They are also considerably smaller than the other heavy breeds, but no worries there. The little one with the most white, Little Speck, is always the first at my feet when I go out in the yard. If I don't pay attention to her, or give her a treat, she will peck at my shoes or hop up onto my leg if I sit down

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