Speckled Sussex, Male or Female?


6 Years
Feb 27, 2013
Hello everyone,

I wanted to see if there is anyone out there who is more experienced than I am with this sort of thing. I got a Speckled Sussex chick about 5-6 months ago. It was supposed to be a female but, of course, there is always that small margin for error. I really like this chicken (I hope it is a chicken), and it is a breed that is supposed to be a rather good layer. I would be very disappointed if he was a rooster, but oddly, it is one of the tamest we have in our little flock.

So far, everything points for it being a rooster (no crowing, though). But I wanted to ask what you think. Here are some pictures. I hope they are good enough, they were taken with a cellphone camera.

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I knew it!

Thank you. Yes, he is handsome :)

Like I said, one of the tamest in the flock, which is a nice change from the aggressive guy (towards the chickens and humans) we had before. I hope he does not become a nuisance to the neighbors. Roosters are not allowed in the city of Seattle. Sshhhh~ don't tell anyone he's here ;)
so the feathers on the back, the ones that seem to "curve" are they what gives the Rooster away at this age? I ask because I have 3 Sussex purchased as chicks and they all seem to look alike ( the speckles are different on each) but two have lighter combs than the other. Thank you for your time

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