
Oh- well if you find you have spare pullets, I would love to buy some from you! That is, if you don't have people who already want them. I think a trip to Chicago for Spitzhaubens would definitely be in order. :)
I did the same thing (in reverse) to get some Bielefelder & Orpington eggs last year. I have a niece near Indianapolis, so we planned a day trip to visit her ...... & just happened to pick up some hatching eggs on the way home. So yes, I can understand.
This may be a silly question, but my 2 weeks old Spitz "pullets" are feathering in so differently from each other and at a different rate. But yet, the one who is slower to develop is much darker, and as far as I can tell, Spitz cockerels are lighter than the females. Is it possible that I have a cockerel on my hands, although it's pretty early to have an idea?
Cassia, the one that's making me wonder is on the left.

Hello :)
I became the accidental owner of an Appenzeller Spitzhaubens. I ordered a dozen polish hatching eggs and when they hatched one was solid blue and had no top hat. He was the wrong color for the polish chicks I had ordered so I messaged the breeder to see what she thought and found out she had AS chickens also and that one of their eggs must have been sent by mistake with the polish, both being white eggs. So here is my new chick. At only a day old he was able to get on top of the premier 1 heater and also run back and forth through the brooder, jumping over the 3" divider and chasing the larger 10 day old EE chicks. It's really brave, not afraid of my kids at all and has become my son's favorite. He named it Metal. So now I have to decide if I will leave it as the only AS in the flock in the hopes that will keep it from roosting in the trees or get it some friends...

I'm also very interested in your replies. Like you, I have spitz chicks & noticed that some have tails & others do not. They are the same age.
Hello :) I became the accidental owner of an Appenzeller Spitzhaubens. I ordered a dozen polish hatching eggs and when they hatched one was solid blue and had no top hat. He was the wrong color for the polish chicks I had ordered so I messaged the breeder to see what she thought and found out she had AS chickens also and that one of their eggs must have been sent by mistake with the polish, both being white eggs. So here is my new chick. At only a day old he was able to get on top of the premier 1 heater and also run back and forth through the brooder, jumping over the 3" divider and chasing the larger 10 day old EE chicks. It's really brave, not afraid of my kids at all and has become my son's favorite. He named it Metal. So now I have to decide if I will leave it as the only AS in the flock in the hopes that will keep it from roosting in the trees or get it some friends...
I think this must be some other kind of chick. Neat that it's so spunky and your son loves him. :)
I think this must be some other kind of chick. Neat that it's so spunky and your son loves him.
Well she said she only had 2 kinds of white egg layers, the AS and the polish. The only polish she had are the crele and tolbunt so they would not create a blue chick and he's missing the top hat so that leaves her other white egg layer.. the AS. What are you seeing though? Her AS rooster was a blue but I don't know what the hens were.
The Spitz have very distinct nostrils, even as tiny chicks....

I don't have a photo to show you, but look at the nose and see if it is different from all of the polish.

My spitz have zero crest at hatch.., so I don't see why it couldn't be a spitz. :idunno

As to male verses female and tails... Dunno, can't remember.... No brain function here.

I already sold my first set of spitz chicks, and sets 2 and 3 are still incubating... I can't remember from last year.

HOWEVER, just in general, speed of feathering is only a determining factor in some lines, and not even a specific breed thing.

A had a couple of leghorn mixes last year, turned out to be both boys, and one feathered out twice as fast as the other.
The Spitz have very distinct nostrils, even as tiny chicks....

I don't have a photo to show you, but look at the nose and see if it is different from all of the polish.

My spitz have zero crest at hatch.., so I don't see why it couldn't be a spitz. :idunno

Are you referring to the large cere at the top of the nose? If so then the polish actually have that too. Here is one of my polish chicks with their weird noses

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