
Ha! Yep, not surprised.

I hatched lots of different breeds this year, and the Spitz are closer to the bantams in size. They are also so much more slender than my other standard breeds.
I didn't think my Spitz's eggs would be fertile, but 2 experiemntal eggs hatched.
These are my Spitz-ingtons (Daddy's an orpington)

Chick 1 turns 2 wks tomorrow. This one has a brownish face. I think I may be seeing the start of a crest, but it could also be wishful thinking.

Chick 2 turned 2 wks old today. This one is a little darker & I think I see a crest popping up. Their mom didn't show a crest until 2.5 wks old, so perhaps I'm just more observant this time.

DD was goofing around & took a selfie of Spitzie = their biological mama.
So far, the Spitz has surprised me with the number of eggs she lays.
ha ha - love all these pictures !

I'll have to get some more of mine to share.

I am also very pleased with the size and amount of eggs from such as slender and well-mannered bird.

I sold both of the 1/2 spitz chicks. They each had a tiny, tiny start of feather growth. I asked the new owner to send some pics so I could see how they grow out. I hope he does. Only 4 more chicks left. (Poor Trouble has 1 chick & Cookie has 3.) The two hens stayed together today - even when I opened the door to allow them time to free range. Then I found them tonight = all 6 crammed into one nest box. LOL
BTW- I haven't gotten any Spitz eggs for 5 days. (She was laying daily prior.) Could she be hiding eggs or does this breed completely stop in the winter months? Could she trying to go broody? I sure hope not! Comb.wattles are still nice & red.
The magnificent bird! I want to have five - seven of these birds I can buy an eggs .Where? I live in Texas

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