
My Zelda is now Zelly, I am afraid. He is the sweetest thing. I don't know if he will stay that way, but he is the cuddliest chicken. When I hold out my arm he flies up on it. He hunkers down for a long cuddle. This is the hardest thing about raising chickens, can't keep every rooster. If he stays this way, I could never let him go. Now Markie has got to go.
My Zelda is now Zelly, I am afraid. He is the sweetest thing. I don't know if he will stay that way, but he is the cuddliest chicken. When I hold out my arm he flies up on it. He hunkers down for a long cuddle. This is the hardest thing about raising chickens, can't keep every rooster. If he stays this way, I could never let him go. Now Markie has got to go.

Yes, my Drumsticks stayed very sweet. I miss him still. He would always come running up to greet me & never seemed to harass the hens. He didn't even crow very much. However, he did like to fly up to the roof to eat up all the mulberries. I didn't want a live weather vane on my roof for all the neighborhood cars to take notice. Then he was teaching some of the hens to join him! I was afraid he'd start wandering the neighborhood & I prefer my birds to stay hidden out back.

I probably should have kept him to show & sell at the fair, but at least his photo won Best in Show.

I also wish my son's new Spitz playmate was as pretty. I'm torn if I should keep the pullet or send her to a friend who has one of our former male spitzhaubens.

I also find it funny how chickens take to people differently. Drumsticks was MY boy and would jump in my lap when I let him. The current Spitzie (or Poof-Poof) is often in my son's arms but she runs away from me.
Fall is coming & we still have our Spitz. And, DS still calls her "Poof-Poof."

Here he was yesterday climbing a tree with the Spitz.

He's learning about chicken math at a very young age.
This is Chizzy. She was chosen as HIS chicken, but then he decided that my Spitzie was also his.
Recently, a hen went broody. We sold all of her chicks but had to keep one to prevent her from going into a post-broody depression. DS named the little one "Penguin" & holds her daily.
Zelly is growing up, still a sweet guy. Markie and his shadow Weeble. My current crowd. SS Appenzeller Spitzhaubens, Spitzen-Egger, Altsteirer and Sulmtaler.


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The Spitzen-Egger Experiment. Stucki is a cockerel and is looking pretty cool. The black one with white speckles is probably a cockerel and I am hoping the plain grey one is a female. I want more green eggs!


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Mira, short for Miracle. She is the ONLY pullet out of all of the Appenzeller Spitzhauben eggs that I hatched this year. LOL
The Spitzen-Eggers were fun this year! I only got one pullet from these also. The cockerels were so pretty!


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