splash times splash?!


11 Years
Nov 25, 2009
Is it good to breed a splash silkie roo to a splash silkie hen?Im hatching eggs from Bobbi Porto and I already have 3 splash chicks. Would if I hatch out a splash roo. Can I breed the splash roo to the splash hens or would the color get diluted? Would you breed it like that?
I have a splash I am breeding to a Black roo, and so far I have got only solid blues from this cross. I hope an expert will read your post, interesting question. HenZ
splash x splash = splash
I was told that if it is bred too many times down though you will lose color,fade . Haven't done it myself so I don't know if this is true

henZ- black x splash = 100% blue, that is all you will get
Splash x splash= 100% splash. Splash x black = 100% blue. Blue x blue = 50% blue, 25% splash, 25% black.
breeding splash to splash will dilute the splash. It is best to breed to blue or black. Bobbi Porto has some nice birds I hatched a black and a partridge from her. she marks the eggs with the roos name.

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