Spots appearing on eggshells over time?

Jun 7, 2022
Question for everyone!
My showgirl started laying the second weekend of September (woohoo!), so I’m new to having my own eggs! I’ve noticed that the older ones develop a splotchy pattern over time while the freshly laid ones are perfectly even toned. Is this normal? I store them on my countertop in a basket until ready to wash and eat. The one on the left is older and the one on the right was laid yesterday. Has anyone experienced this, and what does it mean? ☺️
They are both unwashed and the shells are strong and healthy!


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These issues often crop up at the start of molting season. If you're in the top half of the world, that could be a very benign explanation. Egg shells always look better in spring after their winter rest. I wouldn't be too concerned.

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