Spraddle leg


Oct 2, 2021
One of my chicks that I just incubated could not get out of the shell, so I helped it get out and once it was out, I noticed that it’s one leg was kind of just dragging behind it and it was scooting everywhere that it went in the incubator, I have tried the bandaid, the rubber band, the ponytail, the ponytail with the straw and none of them would stay on because the chick was too small for them to stay on except the straw and ponytail but i don’t think that it is doing any good. The chick is still dragging its foot behind and if anything, it is almost pulling the correct foot back too, which we sure don’t want. Right now, I have it in a mug inside the incubator with paper towels in the bottom of it. This is to keep the legs at the right angle with the ponytail and straw on the legs. What other things work better?
I’m going to tag @Miss Lydia but she won’t be on till morning
What is the bator floor like ? I use rubber shelf liner I get from the dollar store in the bottom of my bator
This helps the babies have grip and the legs stay nicely under them and don’t slip and slid
Although yours sounds like it’s a different issue
Did you have to pull baby fully out or was it able to push out after some help?
I know sometimes they have troubles after a bad hatch and take Some time to get the cramps undone but it also could be some kind of injury
(Slipped tendon)
This is where miss Lydia will be much more helpful then I can be
One of my chicks that I just incubated could not get out of the shell, so I helped it get out and once it was out, I noticed that it’s one leg was kind of just dragging behind it and it was scooting everywhere that it went in the incubator, I have tried the bandaid, the rubber band, the ponytail, the ponytail with the straw and none of them would stay on because the chick was too small for them to stay on except the straw and ponytail but i don’t think that it is doing any good. The chick is still dragging its foot behind and if anything, it is almost pulling the correct foot back too, which we sure don’t want. Right now, I have it in a mug inside the incubator with paper towels in the bottom of it. This is to keep the legs at the right angle with the ponytail and straw on the legs. What other things work better?
How long did you leave the bandaid on for? I had a quail chick that had splay leg so I left the bandaid on for several days (getting a new bandaid every day or so to check progress). It recovered.

Mine quail chick wasn't the same as how you describe your chick so it may be different.
The bandaid was too big for the chick so I took it off right now, the ponytail with the straw is on it and it is in a cup inside of the incubator to help it keep its foot underneath of itself.

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