May 23, 2011 #1 kowell275 In the Brooder 8 Years May 10, 2011 63 2 39 stanwood Hi I am wondering if I can spread the poop and bedding from my coop around my yard on the grass.
May 23, 2011 #2 nivtup Songster 11 Years Apr 24, 2008 1,690 12 181 Shelton Washington I would compost it first, it is pretty hot when fresh and will burn the grass.
May 23, 2011 Thread starter #3 kowell275 In the Brooder 8 Years May 10, 2011 63 2 39 stanwood What would happen to the grass under a chicken tracker ?
May 23, 2011 #4 SunnyCalifornia Songster 9 Years Oct 8, 2010 2,505 92 174 Escondido CA It gets eaten and scratched up. Doesn't last long at all.
May 23, 2011 #5 SunnyCalifornia Songster 9 Years Oct 8, 2010 2,505 92 174 Escondido CA However, my roses don't seem to mind the chicken poop in between them. My hens like to spend time around the rose garden, and no issues at all.
However, my roses don't seem to mind the chicken poop in between them. My hens like to spend time around the rose garden, and no issues at all.