Spring 2017 first timers post!

That really did help, thanks! Now I see that they also have brown Olive Eggers, so that explains how there are two brown chicks. But my possible cream legbar doesn't match their picture perfectly so I'll need to search some more to see which is which! I think our meal maker is a White Leghorn, never had a Leghorn before so while it's not a unique breed it is very different to what I have!
Aww that's so cute!
I suspect my yellow one is the meal maker as well maybe a White Leghorn or Austra white I really have really Id'd 4 out of 7 for sure (mostly) at this time. My yellow one is a bit bigger than the rest, first to figure out nipple waterer, she is showing the others how to use it:) I have two waterers in the brooder, a regular chick waterer and a horizontal nipple waterer that attaches to a 10 gallon igloo water cooler I found at the transfer station (dump) in perfect condition:)

Mine are all asleep dozing to Mozart. Refined meat & layer chicks
So here I sit, in a lawn chair in the coop, laptop tethering off my ipad as I get some work done and keep the kids from handling the chicks, too much....  Chick TV....




That's to funny!
I have only had to deal with the pets being too interested at times, but as they grew the pets lost some interest and now it's mostly not an issue. Just they wait for the changing on the poopy bedding!
I am working on my first coop, the brooder will be in the coop and I am using the Mama Heating Pad.  I am getting 7 chicks the first week of April 2017.   I was hoping to get a few of us newbies together who are gearing up for our first time this spring!  Lets post pictures of our coops, our birds when we get them and see who gets the first egg!

Who is in?

Gary from Idyllwild Ca here:)
I love to be apart. My son built his coop now we have 6. I don't really know how to tell for sure male or felmale but Google is about to be my best friend
Oh my word, my 4wk old Easter egger just flew to the top of their 3ft tall brooder and perched on the 2x4 their babycake treat (that they ignore) is strung from!
I quickly shooed her back in (the garage was wide open!) And placed some strips of extra hardware cloth over the top to discourage her from trying again! I was wondering when that was going to happen as they are all really well feathered out.

Easter Eggers are flyers. I used to have a couple that would fly up and roost in a tall tree in our backyard. One of them flew over the wall and onto a busy street behind our house, so after that we clipped her wings.

The chicks I have now are fat, lazy Orpingtons & they barely fly at all. They are 4 weeks old now.

That really did help, thanks! Now I see that they also have brown Olive Eggers, so that explains how there are two brown chicks. But my possible cream legbar doesn't match their picture perfectly so I'll need to search some more to see which is which! I think our meal maker is a White Leghorn, never had a Leghorn before so while it's not a unique breed it is very different to what I have!
Aww that's so cute![/quote]

Here is a picture of my cream legbar when I first got her so you can compare




Hope this helps!

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