SPRING CHICKEN Contest Series Extravaganza!

Here are some pics y'all can use for caption contests.....
I'd love to see an INTENSITY competition! People trying to take pictures of their chicken diving in for their favorite snack, crazed look on the face, a very determined chicken running away from the flock with the best bits in their mouth, chicken trying to yank something out of your hand, etc. Those are my favorite pictures :D Silly birds trying their hardest
The one on the bottom is my Rhode island red cockerel, He was starting to get a bit feisty with my pullets so I had to bring in one of my older roos to put him in his place, They only fought for a couple of seconds but I managed to snag a pic of the two sorting out things ;)
The one on the bottom is my Rhode island red cockerel, He was starting to get a bit feisty with my pullets so I had to bring in one of my older roos to put him in his place, They only fought for a couple of seconds but I managed to snag a pic of the two sorting out things ;)
Cool looking photo! thx:)

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