SPRING CHICKEN Contest Series Extravaganza!

If they say no one should post their age, why is there a place in the profile for birthdate including year??
Catch 22 I suppose.
As far as entries are concerned, Administration made it clear to me to clarify that you must be at least 18 or older. Exchanging personal information/location/addresses ect would not be in the best interest of this web site NOR with myself as well. This rule will be strictly enforced by any means necessary. If I encounter a situation to which I am unsure of, moderators will be involved by my requests.
Not all of the mini contest will have prizes that would need to be shipped. Some will just have"Bragging Rights" and printable Winner Certificates posted as Awards. Perhaps that would be an ALL MEMBER way of having all ages being able to enter.
But as far as having prizes shipped & exchange of personal info, no way jose..
I imagine you'd get plenty of us entering just for bragging rights or certificate. Just for the fun of participation and competition....
There is a possibility of scores and scores of mini contest. depending on the popularity and speed of the pace. Repeating popular subjects. Mailing out 40-50 prizes would like lead me to the "cross roads".. turn left to the poor house, or turn right to the nut house!
crazy eyes.gif
And especially if you have a dress-up-your chicken contest, youngsters would love to join in and may be your best entrants! A town near us has an annual "chicken pageant" and most of the entries are kids w their chickens....
I imagine you'd get plenty of us entering just for bragging rights or certificate. Just for the fun of participation and competition....
That's right for me. I could imagine the shipping costs of I was to win! It's all just good fun for me. I liked the certificates from the last comp. I have images of my Brahma running around in lippy with a hand bag! This ones gonna be fun!!!
Still need more photos?
Yes and thank you..
ok so i seen the links to the coming soon contests but is this forum a contest has well and if so what kind
This thread is more or less the gathering place. The community campfire. Comments, questions, contributions of fun and games, but this thread will only have the links to all the mini contests. Remember, only "10" entries per Contest. So if you wish to enter one, use this time wisely. 10 entries could fill up pretty fast!

I am currently in the middle of a very successful jumbo hatching of chicks. It is slowing me down to begin the contests. I promise to get them started very soon. I'm juggling chicks back and forth, left and right & adjusting lights. Crazy too, it's only day 19 since the eggs were set. Yesterday was lock down.

And especially if you have a dress-up-your chicken contest, youngsters would love to join in and may be your best entrants! A town near us has an annual "chicken pageant" and most of the entries are kids w their chickens....
The age thingy is a grey area. I will be looking into what I can do. As far as adjusting wording etc. I need to chat with Admin first.
I'd love to see an INTENSITY competition! People trying to take pictures of their chicken diving in for their favorite snack, crazed look on the face, a very determined chicken running away from the flock with the best bits in their mouth, chicken trying to yank something out of your hand, etc. Those are my favorite pictures :D Silly birds trying their hardest
I like where you are going! I wrote this down. Thanks for your inspiring contribution!
The one on the bottom is my Rhode island red cockerel, He was starting to get a bit feisty with my pullets so I had to bring in one of my older roos to put him in his place, They only fought for a couple of seconds but I managed to snag a pic of the two sorting out things ;)
I love all the pix.. thanks.
Connie, you're welcome to use some of my pictures if you'd like...
Hi Connie. This sounds fun! Here's a few pics you may like!
Thank you xoxoxo
Hi Connie :pop
HEY BOB! Are you ready to win 3 in a row?!:lau
Hi Connie!

I'm very excited for everything you're working on. :)
Thanks! I'm only getting started. I've got DH working like a slave on this one!:gig

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