Spring is sprung!


10 Years
Apr 10, 2009
NW Indiana
I know because:
#1- my Houdan has started laying again
I know it's her because she's my only white egg layer
#2 - all the girls were out in their yard yesterday in spite of the mud
apparently the We Hate Snow club has been disbanded

Tell me your signs!
You would never know it, because we just got two more feet of snow. But, I've turned off the coop light as the days are getting longer.
And, the sap is running.
Despite the freezing morning temps, I've seen buds popping out on my flowering pear tree. Not to mention 15 of my 17 hens layed eggs the other day,a new record!!
Congrats on all the eggs-that's so exciting!
My Bradford Pears are going to be blooming soon so that is always a sign for me. I'm also sneezing a lot more, not such a fun sign of spring.
"all the girls were out in their yard yesterday in spite of the mud
apparently the We Hate Snow club has been disbanded"!!!!!!
:lau:lau:lau Oh my goodness!!! That's a RIOT!!!
:lau:lau We just got our last snowfall yesterday and a few days prior to that as well and needless to say we have had snow on the ground since Dec!!!!
So my girls just decided this week too to disband thier anti-snow club as well!!!!
I guess enough is enough and they figure they've been in that barn for long enough!
My HUbby jokes that the chickens must think we live in Alaska with all of the snow that we got this year! Anyway...we're VERY thankful for spring this year too...can't wait!!!
Blessings, Keri
I'm from NW Indiana also! We're supposed to be above freezing all week and reaching 40 by this next weekend! I hope it does something to my girls and they start laying!
gvntofly05 - you are my next-door neighbor!
Hebron is right down the road from me.

I am torn by that forecast.
Thrilled at the temps - 40s!!! I may wear shorts!!! - but sad because here at 2 Dogs Farm it also means
Return of The Mud
Spring is peeping out here too...ha

Buds on the Bradford Pears and Maples Trees, grass is starting to turn a little bit green and my chickens are starting to lay more. Yea! But they are calling for snow in the morning. So sick and tired of coldness...lol

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