"Spring/Summertime" Quilt Block Swap of 2010 **sign-ups closed**

Whew!!!both dresses for the wedding are now finished!!!

I can now finish cutting the blocks and will start sewing tomorrow after I take my MIL for the appointment at the crematorium.

Thank you for the kind thoughts and prayers. My MIL is 86 and this has been very stressful for her. Losing a son and then facing cremation without a funeral is beyond her emotional endurance level. She wants to honor his wishes but also desires the closure a funeral helps bring. We're trying to help her by discussing the memorial service we can share with his friends. That helps a little. Also her pastor stopped by and that visit was very comforting.
Okay-I am working on my blocks today. I just wanted to refresh my memory: we are supposed to do 12, right? I signed up for 2 spots, so I would do 24? I am doing two different patterns, BTW.
My blocks are started! Got them about half done. Also, my eggs hatched this weekend! I've got 6 chicks and possibly a 7th. It may not make it since it's been working awhile at hatching
But the 6 are healthy and peppy! I'll post a pic if I can figure out how to do it!
babymakes6 & Nana.....i will keep a watch out for the blocks. Yes, BM6 if you signed up for 2 then do 24

1flchick.....you have time but as soon as I receive all the blocks I am sending out

I have received 2 sets of blocks so far

Just 10 sets to go

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