"Spring/Summertime" Quilt Block Swap of 2010 **sign-ups closed**

I love that, could you made me about 12 more of those, no wait I have 5 granddaughters so I would need lets see, 12 X 5 = 60 please.
Thanks, everyone! I made the patternfrom one of my daughter's flip-flops. I just traced around her flip-flop and cut it a little The back-ground fabric was given to me several years ago to make tablecloths for a "children's panning for gold" setup (long story-the man that ordered them is long gone), and I had YARDS of it. I always thought it was ugly, but when I started thinking about flip-flops, that material worked perfectly! That was about as "summery" as I could think of. They were very easy and fun to make!
I can send copies of my template along with the blocks for everyone.
I just copied and cut out my template. I am planning to send one along with each of my blocks for all of you.

Now, I was thinking-I would like to do a swap in time for Christmas, of Snowmen. Would anyone be interested in participating? I am thinking of using whites/frosty blues/silver colors and you use whatever pattern of snowman you like. I think it would be cute to have a mix of applique',pieced, embroidered, etc. What do you all think: any suggestions?
Acre wanted me to let you know she received your blocks. It's not that she didn't want to let you know she's on the phone with me. hehehe and she feeding her mouth and can't talk. LOL
O.K. now that I am done stuffing my face.....as Gin puts it.....and for all to know, she called me

Yes, Nana I received your beautiful blocks. I can't wait until all these blocks are shipped out to you all, they are going to make one summery quilt.

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