"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Lol nnnnnoooooo not at all
oh, well I must be doing something wrong than

Ugh. I'm so frustrated right now! Every single shipped egg that's made it to lock down has quit before even making the internal pip! What am I doing wrong?! I set more shipped eggs on April 1st but now I'm worried that those too won't make it!
What are you lockdown procedures? Have you done any eggtopsies?
my,eggs from my pet chicken are here.four pet silkie eggs.three Easter eggers,two fun and funky assortment one super chocolate egg layer.
Hope it isn't too late to join. I was in the Easter HAL, that went nad. So, i set more eggs for a mid April hatch, that went bad. I am trying one more time for a late April hatch. The eggs went in on the First, but their first full day would be the second. So, if anything hatches the chicks will hatch on the 22d and the ducklings will hatch on the 29th. At the current count (haven't candled yet) There are 18 Dominique eggs (won at auction), 6 Pekin cross duck eggs, 5 game bantams, and a variety of RIR RIRxAncona and barnyard mixes. I don't remember the exact count, and I am enjoying the quiet of a lazy day. So, I will double check the count later. :)


Even a young buckling and 'scovy are napping the day away.
Hope it isn't too late to join. I was in the Easter HAL, that went nad. So, i set more eggs for a mid April hatch, that went bad. I am trying one more time for a late April hatch. The eggs went in on the First, but their first full day would be the second. So, if anything hatches the chicks will hatch on the 22d and the ducklings will hatch on the 29th. At the current count (haven't candled yet) There are 18 Dominique eggs (won at auction), 6 Pekin cross duck eggs, 5 game bantams, and a variety of RIR RIRxAncona and barnyard mixes. I don't remember the exact count, and I am enjoying the quiet of a lazy day. So, I will double check the count later.

Even a young buckling and 'scovy are napping the day away.

Welcome and I hope this batch goes better for you.
What do you think caused them to go bad, @wornoutmomto3 ? I'm asking because I'm a n00b at this and looking to learn from others' mistakes if possible. (or if it was a mistake that caused it)

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