"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

$30 for 10+, they sent 18 but I forgot to check the weather before ordering them so I think some kinda froze. 6 hatched but I only set 11, and 2 I set a couple days late so they may hatch tomorrow. It seemed cheap til I just checked (it was $15 + $15 shipping) but is cheap compared to other eggs I've been getting. I've spent over $200 so far this year on hatching eggs :lol:
That is cheap. I've set a total of 30 Ancona eggs so far this year and spent a grand total of $20 on them. Usually they go for $40-50 a dz.
Wow ya make 1 or 2 comments about eating a duck and than nobody will let you lick them. Whats this world coming to? :confused:


$30 for 10+, they sent 18 but I forgot to check the weather before ordering them so I think some kinda froze. 6 hatched but I only set 11, and 2 I set a couple days late so they may hatch tomorrow. It seemed cheap til I just checked (it was $15 + $15 shipping) but is cheap compared to other eggs I've been getting. I've spent over $200 so far this year on hatching eggs :lol:

Wow ya make 1 or 2 comments about eating a duck and than nobody will let you lick them. Whats this world coming to?
We are all doomed, chicken (and duck) math is taking over. They control our brains, and I am proudly one of those people who is being controlled completely by them burds

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