"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

That is cheap. I've set a total of 30 Ancona eggs so far this year and spent a grand total of $20 on them. Usually they go for $40-50 a dz.
Glad I got those then, all the local call eggs I've found are also about $40 dz, I guess not allot of people have them around here.

I found some calls local for $30 a dozen.... But I can't get them, the stray dogs here will make short work of them.
That's too bad, but as soon as you get some safe cages built you MUST get some!
Thats why you make them house ducks.

Then my dog will make short work of them. :/

:D Glad I got those then, all the local call eggs I've found are also about $40 dz, I guess not allot of people have them around here.

:( That's too bad, but as soon as you get some safe cages built you MUST get some!

Thats the thing, I don't like keeping them in cages... Oh well. Maybe someday.
:D Glad I got those then, all the local call eggs I've found are also about $40 dz, I guess not allot of people have them around here.

:( That's too bad, but as soon as you get some safe cages built you MUST get some!
Yea the one local person I found with Ancona eggs was selling them dirt cheap.
Looks like my 3rd & 4th chicks both have omphalitis. The 3rd bled coming out of the shell & had yolk on her butt. Her butt is bloody; I think it's an open navel. She is behaving normally, just as active as the other chicks. The 4th has a large abdomen & what looks like scrambled eggs stuck to its butt.

I have 2 pipped eggs in there right now & one that zipped halfway & seems to be stuck, at least for now.

I guess I still leave the sick chicks in the incubator for now, right? I don't want to risk the eggs that are still hatching by opening the bator, but I don't want to expose the healthy chicks to the bacteria either.

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