"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Ugh, so my 13 year old dropped an egg when rotating tonight and broke it open. Had to take them out and clean the bator real quick. Then she wanted to have an attitude with me. Got to love teens! So 71 eggs now, down a white silkie. (Maybe, it was only a day old so who knows if it was fertile...I didn't check). Anyhow, the others at 4 days are already showing veins in some of them!
I added more eggs a day later, so now we have 25 in the LG bator. I forgot to mention in my initial post that we will have barred rocks/buff orp mix too. Hatch date April 21 or 22. No fan. No Turner. I set my phone timer to go off every 8 hours to turn them myself. And an electric heater set to turn on at 69 in case the wood stove goes out during the night. Last night I rounded up 6 and 3 yr old GS, and went on a candling frenzy. It is so awesome to see the development and some movement already. 6 yo GS said "I just LOVE this!"
I am not sure but I think we have one infertile egg, but not ready to give up hope on it yet.
Candle day 7. What do you guys think about air cell sizes? I had 3 clears and 1 blood ring. One saddle shaped air cell, but I think the rest are ok?


Looks like my 3rd & 4th chicks both have omphalitis.  The 3rd bled coming out of the shell & had yolk on her butt.  Her butt is bloody; I think it's an open navel. She is behaving normally, just as active as the other chicks. The 4th has a large abdomen & what looks like scrambled eggs stuck to its butt.  

I have 2 pipped eggs in there right now & one that zipped halfway & seems to be stuck, at least for now.

I guess I still leave the sick chicks in the incubator for now, right? I don't want to risk the eggs that are still hatching by opening the bator, but I don't want to expose the healthy chicks to the bacteria either.

Oh no I hope they can get well. I have a chick that won't eat of drink. She acts normal other than that. It's weird.
How long can a chick go without eating or drinking. She was hatched Monday night. She is acting normal in every other way but won't peck at the crumbles or drink water. I have been dipping her beak so she is getting water but I know she can't last long not eating. Don't really know what else I can do for her.
How long can a chick go without eating or drinking. She was hatched Monday night. She is acting normal in every other way but won't peck at the crumbles or drink water. I have been dipping her beak so she is getting water but I know she can't last long not eating. Don't really know what else I can do for her.

They say a chick can survive 3 days off the absorbed yolk sack
I set 14 shipped eggs on March 26. Does that mean I can be part of this thread? These eggs should hatch end of next week I guess? This is my first ever hatch. Also my first ever incubator. I'm kind of terrified.
I have 6 of my bantam cochins going into lock down tomorrow. Have to wonder how many will die while in lock down. Bad bad air cells in three of them. Crossing fingers for a few at least. I knew I shouldn't have ordered from back east. :/ Too far. Took 4 days. Got stuck in the town next to us in their sorting facility on a Sunday.

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