"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

I've got a pip! Looks more like a crack at this point, but hopefully I'll have a new little NN chick tomorrow. Hope the other two hatch as well, though one may not. It was funky looking when I candled, might have quit around day 14 or so as I could see through parts of the shell when moving my flashlight around on the shell. Either way, one is on the way. I'm going to be good and keep my anxious fingers away from the hatcher this time (no touchy, self!)

I set more eggs tonight

wheaten marans
white marans
lets see how many are fertile.
Very pretty!

All of last weeks together

Okay I'm in lockdown. Candled, marked aircells. They all look pretty good except for that same one I could see movement in all but that one. I'm a nervous Nelly. I can even see ones beak, the one with the largest aircell, not sure but it may have been already internally piped. Day 19 and counting. ....

Quote: Good luck!

Iv'e done the pea fowl and turkey's , and soon will be doing guineas, emu will need to wait at least one more year.

Well, it was 3:45 am when I got up, because I want to go to school and see if I have any pips yet. But, I have to wait for my own kids to get up.
They ride to school with me (out of town.)

I have 7 eggs on Day 21. One was dropped and is cracked pretty badly, on day 19,
but the membrane doesn't appear to be cracked, so I'm hopeful that it will also hatch!

I peeked in yesterday, and panicked when I saw the temp down to 84.5 degrees
, but then I realized that the incubator was in it's hour of cooling mode (Brinsea.) It shouldn't be cooling on day 20, but there was no way to stop it, so hopefully it isn't a big deal. I'm not wild about the small Brinsea, but it is great for my students' ability to view, and when I have 18 little first-graders who all really really want to watch at the same time,
an open view is VERY important! :)

So, I'm crossing my fingers, and hoping for a nice hatch, with the eggs I do have. I set 42, but I'm still trying to figure out what is going on with Mr. Rooster, and his lady friends. The rest were clear. The first 7 are from another pen. Mr. Rooster and his ladies got feather pluckings in the vent area yesterday,
so hopefully that will help. Good luck to everyone hatching today!

Super excited!

More teensie babies!
...& I think I can fit a couple of these in...
Yes, those will fit in easy!
I've got a pip! Looks more like a crack at this point, but hopefully I'll have a new little NN chick tomorrow. Hope the other two hatch as well, though one may not. It was funky looking when I candled, might have quit around day 14 or so as I could see through parts of the shell when moving my flashlight around on the shell. Either way, one is on the way. I'm going to be good and keep my anxious fingers away from the hatcher this time (no touchy, self!)

I set more eggs tonight

wheaten marans
white marans
lets see how many are fertile.
BEAUTIES!!! did you wash them? they look shiny!

All of last weeks together
@SonnyLTPI HOW CUTEwhat is that green mesh?

Okay I'm in lockdown. Candled, marked aircells. They all look pretty good except for that same one I could see movement in all but that one. I'm a nervous Nelly. I can even see ones beak, the one with the largest aircell, not sure but it may have been already internally piped. Day 19 and counting. ....

Quote: WOW great save!! good luck with them!!

Well, it was 3:45 am when I got up, because I want to go to school and see if I have any pips yet. But, I have to wait for my own kids to get up.
They ride to school with me (out of town.)

I have 7 eggs on Day 21. One was dropped and is cracked pretty badly, on day 19,
but the membrane doesn't appear to be cracked, so I'm hopeful that it will also hatch!

I peeked in yesterday, and panicked when I saw the temp down to 84.5 degrees
, but then I realized that the incubator was in it's hour of cooling mode (Brinsea.) It shouldn't be cooling on day 20, but there was no way to stop it, so hopefully it isn't a big deal. I'm not wild about the small Brinsea, but it is great for my students' ability to view, and when I have 18 little first-graders who all really really want to watch at the same time,
an open view is VERY important! :)

So, I'm crossing my fingers, and hoping for a nice hatch, with the eggs I do have. I set 42, but I'm still trying to figure out what is going on with Mr. Rooster, and his lady friends. The rest were clear. The first 7 are from another pen. Mr. Rooster and his ladies got feather pluckings in the vent area yesterday,
so hopefully that will help. Good luck to everyone hatching today!

Super excited!
GOOD LUCK!!!! I have a bunch out!!! gotta get pics after coffee starts having effects, IF it has effects lol

More teensie babies!
...& I think I can fit a couple of these in...
how cute!!! you know what types?

Everyone have a great day!
Good morning Mike!!!!!

I would like to join. Just set 8 lav orphington,14 german bielefelders,14 barred rock and 12 silkies in the incubator on 4/7. Also have silkie momma on 5 due to hatch any day now and another silkie momma on 10 due to hatch in 2 weeks :)
Morning!!! Good luck to all anxiously awaiting pips, zips, and fluffy butts today!
Captains Log: Day 9
Should I candle? Should I wait? I mean I candled a few, but what about the others. I think I will candle later... maybe when I mist!
we candled over the weekend.. trimming the orps bottoms seemed to help! and changing the roo... maybe, but we set almost 24 eggs and 20 are viable! not the wyandottes on the other hand.. my alpha hen will not let the roo near her.. i set all the eggs though and it appears that hers arent fertile... brat.. i was hoping he might have gotten to her and I didnt notice... not like I watch 24/7!

we are on kidding watch though.. today is 140 days for one of my does... she definately showing signs of labor coming... and since this is both of our first times.. I am a nervous wreck having to be at work !!!
My next set of staggered hatch eggs are due tomorrow. Who wants to bet on how many times I check for pips? The bator is in a spare room upstairs and I will probably check for the second time today after I type this.

I'm excited for the birds hatching here. BYC has been wonky or I'd just keep watching for updates here.

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