"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

On April 9th I set 36 eggs; a dozen Rock Island fertile brown eggs from Andy's market, a dozen multi-color fertile eggs from Red Rose Half Acre farm (the Community Market sells these), and a dozen sage green Ameraucana eggs shipped from North Carolina to California. They will begin hatching on April 30th, if all goes well.
This time I've got the temp set at 101.5 (it's a still air incubator) and I'm going to put distilled water in the channels if the humidity goes below 40%.
The shipped eggs are set upright in an egg carton and will stay that way, due to rolling air cells. I'm just gonna tilt the eggs when it is time to turn them. I'm also planning to take them all out and let them cool down for two hours daily from day 8 until day 18 (lockdown).
I swear my kid and I must have butter fingers. She dropped a silkie egg and it was a goner a few days ago. I just deopped on candling tonight. And it was fertile
Luckily it cracked and no ooz, so I waxed it. Not sure if that will work but I'm going to try.
Oh no! I'm sorry! I dropped one on Friday, and it cracked almost all the way around, just before lockdown. The membrane did not break, so I put it in lockdown as is, and it hasn't pipped yet, but it is still alive and moving. Hoping for hatch today. :) Good Luck!

No pics I will take some tomorrow pouring the rain here

Your chicken in your avatar is gorgeous with those babies. How precious!
Still waiting on mine to hatch in 2 weeks, but here are the silkies I picked up tonight.

I wanted to wait and get a few when mine hatch, but a good opportunity came up early. I love the blue ones. My daughter picked the black and partridge(?).
Cute! I wouldn't be able to resist either!

Put my Silkies into lockdown today, already had internal pips, as of right now, 2 external pips!!

Edit: up to 5 silkie pips!!

I have skipped a lot of pages, sorry if I missed anything. My internet is running super slow tonight, and I am tired, been digging holes for trees all day.
Good luck! How exciting! I love silkie pips the best!

@Sally Sunshine
Hatch-a-long update
Incu #1 on lockdown just now
It's been a near total loss
7/41 still going
1/6 Cuckoo Bluebar- (MPC) clears, quitters, saddle cells. The one remaining doesn't look too promising
0/10 White Leghorn- (mail) clears, saddle cells and scrambled eggs
3/18 (our birds) EE, White Plymouth mutts- threw them in after a no show for the fertile eggs x 3 days, early quitters -100% fertile
3/7(our birds) EE- same as above, no shows, early quitters- 100% fertile

Incu #2 (day 16)
8/10 White Plymouths (mail) 1 clear, 1 late quitter
9/12 EE- Erminett type (BYC auction/mail) 1 clear, 2 early quitters- saddled air cells
25/30 Nanci's mutts (coworker) 2 clears, 3 early quitters

Incu #3 (day 15)
1/7 Sebastopol geese (coworker Nanci) 5 clears, 1 early quitter - She's bringing me more to try in a week or two!

Incu #4 (day 4)
17 Columbian Wyandottes (mail)
12 Nanci's mutts (coworker)
Also in #4 (staggered)
10 Olive Eggers- Marans/Ameraucana & Ameraucana/Marans (BYC auction/mail)

Still to come:
12 Langshan

Hoping for an uneventful hatch- it's been a horrible few days here. After returning from a cousin's funeral (breast cancer), we found our one and only Polish, Sir Topham Hatt dead. No signs of trauma. Quarantined that coop and treated for coccidiosis as one other bird was acting sluggish. All are doing well now, still quarantined. My young son and I cried like babies, we just adored that bird! I deal with death every day (hospice), but I think dealing with such personal loss brought everything to a head. My youngest (3 yrs) grandson came home from the hospital today (pneumonia), my daughter can't convince him to take his meds or breathing treatment, because only Nahma can do it. So I get to give medicine, and breathing treatment, and rock and comfort my precious boy. He's doing much better, and little does he know, he was comforting me.
Oh my goodness, I hope things start to get better for you. That sounds like just an awful week.

On April 9th I set 36 eggs; a dozen Rock Island fertile brown eggs from Andy's market, a dozen multi-color fertile eggs from Red Rose Half Acre farm (the Community Market sells these), and a dozen sage green Ameraucana eggs shipped from North Carolina to California. They will begin hatching on April 30th, if all goes well.
This time I've got the temp set at 101.5 (it's a still air incubator) and I'm going to put distilled water in the channels if the humidity goes below 40%.
The shipped eggs are set upright in an egg carton and will stay that way, due to rolling air cells. I'm just gonna tilt the eggs when it is time to turn them. I'm also planning to take them all out and let them cool down for two hours daily from day 8 until day 18 (lockdown).
I'm hatching some rocks too! Good luck!

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