Squatting question

I didn't ask for you opinion on how to raise my birds and we all do just fine. I simply asked if something is common because I was curious. My way is no different than taking the role of the alpha dog. I'm not trying to be a rooster anymore than a dog trainer is trying to be a dog. The hens can choose to see me however they want; the cockeral, on the other hand, needs to respect me. And I am far from the only person who doesn't let the roo pester the girls in their presence. Letting him be a rooster does not mean I need to let him have the upper hand on me; that's how roos turn mean. He's not my first rooster; he's just the first that has been raised with my girls, thru puberty. Every hen I've had prior has squatted for me and continued to do so after the roos showed up. And I certainly don't need your permission to have a rooster.

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