Squirrel in coop -- after feed, eggs or both?


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 23, 2007
Twice now, we've found a squirrel in our chicken coop. We leave the door open while the girls are free ranging during the day. Do you think it's after the feed or eggs? 2 girls have only been laying for a few weeks and the egg count each day varies. 1/2/2/1/1/2, etc. I figured it was inconsistent because they were new layers. Now I'm wondering if the squirrel may be stealing an egg.

Any ideas?
Squirrels eat grains, eggs and baby birds. And they are nasty varmints that leave defication behind that can contaminate feed sources.

I've never heard or read of a squirrel stealing eggs so I suspect that it's more interested in the feed. They are a pain in the rear here with the bird feeders, right now since it's cooling off.

Wow...thanks for the info Jody...I didn't know that they'd go after baby birds...yet another reason for me not to like them!

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The diet of Eastern Gray Squirrels includes: acorns, hickory nuts, walnuts, beechnuts, maple (buds, bark, and samaras), Yellow Poplar blossoms, American Hornbeam seeds, apples, fungi, Black Cherry, Flowering Dogwood, grapes, sedges, grasses, American Holly, insects (adults and larvae), baby birds, bird eggs, and amphibians. Sometimes they even eat each other!


Just got off the phone with Skip...was telling him about this post and what new info I'd learned for the day...he tells me about the time he was working with our friend in Nashville...they'd finished for the day, were getting ready to leave when they saw a squirrel carrying a dead baby rabbit...
Guess it's time to join our landlady's vigil in thinning the buggers out some...

I've watched grey `tree rats' attacking Southern Nocturnal Flying Squirrel nests to get at the pups.

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