Squishy crop, sour crop?

Take her away from the other chickens for a day and see how she does. Keep feeding her regularly and if her crop doesn’t empty by morning and is still soft then she might have sour crop
Ok I'll do that today, I guess I can update tomorrow, what should I do for sour crop
You should take away all food for 24 hours. Give her a dose of apple cider vinegar and some coconut oil. You will most likely have to force feed her this. If nothing passes after 24 hours then feed her small amounts of Greek yogurt with live cultures and cinnamon. You can also put 1 tbs of apple cider vinegar per half gallon of water in her water
Ok I fed her and her crop is now moldable, if that makes any sense. If I press a part of it it stays that shape for a bit
Ok don’t feed her anymore at all and wait until morning with her isolated. If it is flat in the morning you could keep her with food and make sure it empties again the next morning then release her
Ok I'll do that today, I guess I can update tomorrow, what should I do for sour crop
I would not feed her normally. She is clearly unwell if she is seperating herself. I know that you already fed her though.

In the future, I would wet her food with water. Its easy but makes a whole lot of difference. My hen had sour crop, so I know what it is like.

Pendulous crop is much more common in old birds and I doubt a nine week old would have it.

How is her poop? Please get pictures of her and her poop. Being so young, I would suspect coccidiosis.
Also use coconut oil or olive oil if it stays full and malleable in the morning and gently massage her crop in a circular motion.

And yes if the crop was flat when you were inspecting her. coccidiosis would be the best bet
Coconut oil fights the yeast infection while olive oil allows the movement of the blockage that creates sour crop
The best thing to use for sour crop is actually an anti-fungal cream. Nystanin or miconazole.

I have Monistat 7 for that.

@Wyorp Rock is the expert here. All I did was read the really great article and deal with sour crop as well.

Is sour crop also caused by blockage?? I thought that was impacted crop.

So coconut oil and olive oil worked for your bird with sour crop? (assuming you have dealt with it).

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