SSS...and then bury it deeper? Did anyone see this??

Being an agressive dog and chicken owner I can see the shooting first without thinking.
I don't think he should of shot the dog but that Was the owners (of the Chckens) first reaction.
Yes the (Chicken Owner) should of done other things first besides shoot first. But the Dog owner needs to get his panties out of his butt and realize that law has always been like that and not just put up reciently. He needs to admit his dumb misfortune and move on
I believe there is a sticker here that says, My Pet Makes Me Breakfast. Mine not only make me breakfast, they make me dinner and lunch also. So anything after my critters may mean that my family goes hungry, I THINK NOT.
One more point. I understand how everyone feels. I would just hate to kill a dog or have my dog killed. I take great care to keep my animals safe and to keep them from bothering anyone.

This past weekend, a houseguest neglected to shut my front door properly while I was away at the grocery store. I got home 30 minutes later (and after airconditioning south Texas) to find my front door wide open and my very well trained and well taken care of collie and 16 yr old cat still safely inside. I was horrified to think that they may have been lost, I can't imagine how I would have felt if I never found them again because of SSS. I would hope that if my neighbors found my animal running loose that they would give it one chance before killing it. Now, with that said, I have a good relationship with my neighbors. They know that I take care of my animals and they would probably call the authorities only because they saw my door open and my animal out - figuring that something horrible must have happened to me! I know this is an extreme circumstance, but it just happened to me; it could happen to anybody. Here's a picture of Patsy, my rough coat collie; blind in one eye and the smartest and sweetest dog I've ever had (with one of the babies):
Is that a barred rock sitting on her ?

Its a silver laced wyandotte 'packing peanut'. Collies are great dogs. Training is easy; I wish everybody would do it and care; there would be no need for this thread...
The dog in the article was a Shorthaired Pointer. My dog Jake is a Pointer/Pitt mix. He protects my flock, even the 4 new babies, by being outside with them on his leash. With him there I don't have to worry about raccoons or other predators.

Jake has managed to pull out of my hands and get off his leash a few times. He's very well trained but when he's free he runs at a blindingly fast speed. What scares me the most is he looks like a Pitt and if he ran into a yard with kids I wouldn't be surprised, nor would I blame a neighbor for shooting him. I love him so I keep him on a run while outside although he spends most of his time inside or on my bed.

Getting back to the topic if I found a dog actively killing my birds I would most likely kill or wound it severely. I'd then make sure the hole was deep enough to never find the dog. I'd feel very bad for the owner of the now missing dog but I see no benefit to telling the owner either.

There have been dozens of these SSS posts on BYC throughout the years. Most get heated and staff will usually lock them down. SSS is a personal decision and is not recommended or supported by BYC even though we are being allowed to discuss it here.

Peaceful thread.
Wolfwoman; I can tell from your posts that you 'get it'. Our animals seem to know they have a purpose. Just like my employees, I make sure that they feel they have some sort of 'ownership' in projects, my animals understand their place in the workings of it all. I believe they are happier and more satifsied with their lives because of it. We've had many hunting dogs, all well trained and great companions, too. They have all been part of our lives, not just accessories.

We can't use Patsy with the cattle; her eye issues make it too dangerous for her. But she sure is great with chickens!

Anyway, thanks Wolfwoman for 'getting it'...
PC.. i would want to know if my dog was shot..
I would NEED to know..
The not knowing what happend to my missing dog would KILL me for years... i would search and search for my dog..
The right thing to do is just tell the owners... its so so so cruel to not let them know what happend to their dog. Just my opinion..
You know i still love you though..
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HAHAHAHA ... sorry, this is a serious thread I know, but really? My Lab killed 5 chickens that belonged to my neighbor but he has yet to maul a child, and that has been over a year ago.
Rather than being a horses' behind and shooting my predator / hunting dog, my neighbor fixed his fence so his chickens would stop coming into my yard.

When I was a kid we had an old hound / GSD mix that jumped the fence and killed some pet rabbits - again, he wasn't shot, but the rabbit owner was compensated. Know what? we still get along 20 some odd years later. If he had shot my dog I would just keep driving when I saw his pets by the road, but today I stopped and scooped up his yappy little boston terrier before it became road mush. Even though my old dog roamed free for 15 years, he never attacked a person or another animal after the rabbits (he had tags and was friendly, easy to catch- which is how the rabbit guy caught him - , so I feel pretty sure someone would have called!).

Dogs that kill chickens attack children

ETA - I am by no means advocating letting dogs roam at large. I am just saying killing a flapping bird is not = to attacking a child.

I was attacked and severely injured as a child by a stray dog that had killed a chicken on my uncles farm. My uncle shot and killed the dog and luckily for me it did not have rabies. Your reply was the most ignorant I have heard yet, many, many children are maimed by somebody's family pet that when loose become a predator and will kill prey. Children are often seen as prey by predators as prey. I wonder if you find children maimed funny... DO YOU?

BTW I spent what seemed like an eternity for me as a child in intensive care recovering from my wounds. Luckily we lived where there was a teaching hospital that was the cutting edge of plastic surgery at the time. Come on laugh it up HeHeHe!

I am so sorry for your attack... I know it was traumatizing to experience and deal with the effects. I however stand by my opinion (of which I am entitled). I specifically stated I don't advocate at large dogs, but I also refuse to paint all dogs with the same brush. It is tragic and horrible and infuriating that a child is mauled by a dog..... but that does not mean a dog that kills a chicken will attack a child.
Yep, I laugh at the concept of all chicken killing dogs are going to for sure attack a child.... I have unfortunately had chicken / rabbit killers, but they never ever showed aggression (killing a chicken is not necessarily aggression - my young Lab killed 5 who just didn't survive his "joyful retrieve".... they never lost a feather). I notice you say a "stray" dog - that dynamic changes the who theme of this thread - shooting someone's pet over 1 (only 1 implied) incident.

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