St. John's Wort



maybe we're just trying to hard for them to be healthy - let those immune systems kick in or kick the bucket I guess.

I was going to just let my chickens be, and the ones that made, made it, and the ones that didn't... Now that I lost my third bird to something that I might be able to prevent I have changed my mind about trying to raise a disease resisitant flock through natural selection. It is too hard on ME.


maybe we're just trying to hard for them to be healthy - let those immune systems kick in or kick the bucket I guess.

I was going to just let my chickens be, and the ones that made, made it, and the ones that didn't... Now that I lost my third bird to something that I might be able to prevent I have changed my mind about trying to raise a disease resisitant flock through natural selection. It is too hard on ME.

It is super hard on us chicken-parents
... the birds I am losing however are all the vaccinated ones! ! ! ! I know it's only 90%ish effective but so really only 1 in 10 of my chickens should be sick ... I must be getting the sick ones from others people's percentages !
... ...
st.johns wort is a species (actually a quite a few species) of hypericum. however all species in the hypericum genus are commonly called st.johns wort but not all species in the hypericum genus ARE st.johns wort.

you'd have to do some research to determine if hypericum is actually the same as st.johns wort (product wise).

what I've determined is that:
hypericum (is for nerves) ... product detail is 'hypericum perforatum" is purely hypericum perf.

st. johns wort (is for mood) ... product detail *has* a % of other hypericum species, as well as the common hypericum perf. known as "st. johns wort" and makes up a large % of the product, but isn't pure hypericum perf.

hope that helps...
st.johns wort is a species (actually a quite a few species) of hypericum. however all species in the hypericum genus are commonly called st.johns wort but not all species in the hypericum genus ARE st.johns wort.

you'd have to do some research to determine if hypericum is actually the same as st.johns wort (product wise).

what I've determined is that:
hypericum (is for nerves) ... product detail is 'hypericum perforatum" is purely hypericum perf.

st. johns wort (is for mood) ... product detail *has* a % of other hypericum species, as well as the common hypericum perf. known as "st. johns wort" and makes up a large % of the product, but isn't pure hypericum perf.

hope that helps...

ohh ok, because i learned that the st. johns wort is for mood and the neurological sytsem. So the hypericum in that is what must for the nerve part.
Just read the post the other day. My wife has, had, 5 pets, 3 Marans and 2 RiR. Reds are just turning 5 months old and one got Mareks symptoms and went downhill fast, sadly, I had to put Lilly down because we just couldnt watch anymore. It has been in the upper 90's here in Orlando for about 2 weeks and it was hard to just keep her cool with the rest of the girls. About 2 weeks ago, our 17 week old Blue Marans hen, Bleu, got the same deal. I quickly searched for a solution because my wife is already devastated. We got a bottle of 100 capsules of hypericum, St. Johns Wort, at Walmart for $4, We have been giving her 15 drops 2 times a day for the last 5 days. At first there was no reaction. Slowly day by day she seemed to be getting a little better. Today she walked into the coop with the other girls. She is eating well and we keep her well hydrated. I let them stay in my little orchid house with the misters on during the heat of the day, and free roam the backyard. Thankyou for what we consider a solution. The other girls at this point have no symptoms. We have been praying, sounds funny for a chicken doesnt it, but through the help of this forum and our prayers, it looks like our girl will survive. When you love your pets, you will try anything, It works. Thanks.
I have a hen that is displaying weakness and lethergy. I posted more detailed symptoms. Someone mentioned mereks but I am not sure. Would it be bad to give this to a chicken that didn't have mereks?
New here, and first post.
I was wondering if anyone has had success in using this Hypericum treatment (a pill dissolved in 1 T water and 5-10drops 2X/day) for Mareks other than the poster. Last year I lost 2 from Mareks (typical paralysis symptoms) and so kept my new babies from an incubator separate at my daughters next farm over where there have never been chickens. We were very careful to not go there unless we had clean clothes and shoes, but I realize Mareks can be airborne and probably was in this case. One of the 12 week old Banty hens now has typical Mareks symptoms. It started as gaping and I thought she had gapeworm, treated for that, brought her inside for confinement and TLC, but it has rapidly developed into the typical paralysis, one foot forward and one back, but the gaping has stopped. She has been happily eating, drinking and being spoiled. Another hen from another group at our place and has just started laying I found off balance and staggering so brought her inside too. I have both hens inside, the younger paralyzed one is in a sling made from a cotton sock and I transfer her occasionally to a hay nest for change of position. I have used the Hypericum treatment for over a week now. No change so far and the other hen staggers and stays down more than up now. Both eat and drink well and I would love to know if anyone else has successfully used this Hypericum treatment before I have someone come and kill them to keep them from suffering any more. I also have a friend who has a young pet hen in a sling in similar circumstance treating for a month now with the Hypericum. FWIW we BOTH will only have vaccinated birds from now on. We have these chickens as pets, egg producers and bug patrol. It is very difficult to see this ruin such a nice bunch of well loved banties. My older birds are the survivors of the last bout last year, so I know they are spreaders of the disease and so I had ordered vaccinated ones that came in May, which so far are fine, although separate but on the same place.
i have tried the hypericum but it did not may i ordered vaccinated chicks and kept them separated from other chickens, they are 4 months old and i have lost 5 to mareks....i have had one in this bunch that had a mild case and it has survived. i'm wondering why something that works for human herpes if it would work for chickens//
I'm really curious if this works.. would it hurt the bird to try? I mean if you thought your chicken had Marek's, gave the hypericum to them, and whether it worked or not, if they DIDN'T have Marek's, could it hurt them? I haven't seen any symptoms of Marek's in my flock but it wouldn't hurt to have this bit of information, just in case...

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