Staggered hatching Hatch-A-Long

Here's the final set-up! Clutch one (D18) are the numbered eggs; clutch two (D5) are the lettered eggs in the retainer.


(Details here:
So, my fluff balls turn out to be 5 little girlies and one boy. He was born with some kind of cord around his neck, I needed to cut it or he couldn’t stand up, it was pulling a part of the yolk sac out of his navel. It seems to have closed up a bit by now, but he’s not really interested in food or drinking. I hope he picks up the pace by tomorrow.
Also I don't think I mentioned because a good number of you are participating in the March HAL too, but I'm lurking here because I am doing an unexpected staggered hatch. For those who aren't on that thread, I had a variety of eggs come (mostly BBSCM, partridge orps, olive eggers, and some local CCL crosses), but while absolutely everything else developed, the BBSCMs were all infertile, so the breeder sent replacements (and also more blue/green eggs). They're 13 days behind the initial batch, which are due to hatch on Friday.

I've done staggered hatches before, but it was of the "I have more eggs than I can fit in my incubator, so I'll just put these in as clears get pulled out" variety. That's actually gone surprisingly well for me. My craziest result was a shipped egg that hatched out 2+ weeks after its peers that went in first. On brand, she's an "olive egger" that lays brown eggs, when she darn well pleases.
My oldest hatch will be 3 weeks on the 5th my youngest hatched on Saturday lol.
My hatcher is day 19 tonight at 8:30 pm not sure why but I always seem to set at night. Running low humidity again for lockdown we will see how it goes. These are my shipped Brickhouse Poultry eggs. 24 total eggs 5 were clears 1 was very rotten early on and 4 were 2nd week quitters so I have 14 eggs in the hatcher all were moving well and were very lively. Fingers crossed they hatch well.
Ok. I folded. I swore off using my chineezium artificial broody hen again but I'm dusting er off for another go. I figure I'll just sell them as week olds before I end up with a gang of arzehole cockerels again.
So I'm picking out some special crosses just because it's rather nice to watch them crack out, get fuzzy, and zoom around the brooder like bumper cars. I also have a banty hen that wants a new custom made summer dress with a matching hat and well, simple hicks like me don't got that kinda scratch just under the mattress. Time to sell some pom poms make mamma happy.
So I'll be setting bantam bcm, blue bcm, Old English Game X Chantecler/BCM, Old English Game X blue bcm. and my secret recipe rose mini house chicken. That aughta do it.
Collecting a few more days I reckon.

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