Stainless steel nipple

We are using them right now. We have the red ones though. They are WONDERFUL! No messy water to clean out, they don't leak and the chickies LOVE playing with them. It took us about 3 minutes to teach our 3 week olds how to use them. I haven't found a down side to them yet! Worth every penny!!
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Ok thanks for the help. What size pvc or pip did you use for them because I put some togther and the silver pin would fall out when I pushed the nipple?

I am using that model.

They work well but they are in three pieces. If they are in a bucket and you turn it over the pieces will fall out.
Not a big problem but you would have to be careful to not lose them in the grass etc.
Thats is what im wondering about losing the pieace inside the pvc pipe and then having to take everything apart to get it back. Thanks for all the help ladies and gentalmen.

I use the red one and the little metal thingy does not fall out. I have two in the bottom of 2 gallon bucket. In the winter I throw a bird bath heater in the bucket and had no problems with freezing. Love the nipples!
I used 3/4" PVC pipe, schedule 40. I drilled the PVC end caps and screwed the red 360 flow nipples from Farmtek into the end caps. I did not glue the pipe together, in case I need to take the pieces apart to clean at a later point in time. If you get the red 360 flow nipples that screw in, be sure to get an 11/32" drill bit to drill the pipe to get the correct size hole.



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