Does Anybody Know...

Alexandra Runner

Jun 26, 2023
Does anybody know if chicks can be raised in proximity to a microwave? I have my microwave in the garage because of the tiny amount of radiation (and, yes, I can tell a difference from when I had it in the house.), but I also plan to have chicks in my garage in about a week.

Has anyone had any experience with this?
Very, very few microwaves escape your microwave oven into your atmosphere, just 12%. And those "rays" are harmless since they do not alter the physical cells of living things. Compare that to millions of cosmic rays that bombard our atmosphere constantly from all reaches of outer space that are harmful and change the DNA of cells of living things on our planet. Solar radiation causes serious cancer lesions that can kill humans, but we usually give scant thought to that.

Your baby chicks would be safe from your microwave even if the brooder was six feet away.
People don't realize the science of all waves is emitted from Solar Radiation.

So, microwaves are just a tiny spectrum of Light we have learned to harness to use to heat food (among other things)

You walking outside gets more "radiation" than your household microwave.

Source: Ham Radio Operator; we learn about frequencies of Light.

(Radio is also a frequency of Light)
Thank you guys! That's what I've always heard about microwaves, but whenever I am around any microwave that is cooking I get really bad stomach pain. But only while it is cooking. Maybe I am just hypersensitive?
Thank you guys! That's what I've always heard about microwaves, but whenever I am around any microwave that is cooking I get really bad stomach pain. But only while it is cooking. Maybe I am just hypersensitive?
What you are likely experiencing is the sensation of pain from the release of gastric acid as you anticipate the food that you will soon be eating. Just thinking about food, knowing you will soon be consuming it, gets the juices flowing. It also happens in your mouth, as well. Here is the complete story. get ready for digestion by releasing gastrin.
What you are likely experiencing is the sensation of pain from the release of gastric acid as you anticipate the food that you will soon be eating. Just thinking about food, knowing you will soon be consuming it, gets the juices flowing. It also happens in your mouth, as well. Here is the complete story. get ready for digestion by releasing gastrin.
Huh. If that were so, wouldn't you think it would be caused by any food being prepared? I cook very, very frequently, and I rarely use the microwave anymore.

Whatever it is, the microwave is staying in the garage.

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