
Heather Q

Apr 13, 2020
Hello all. I am new to this site. I have really been wanting a starling for a pet. I find their intelligence fascinating but no there are no breeders anywhere since they are considered to be an 'invasive' species. Does anyone have any information or points of contact to help me find one?
If you have starlings in your area set up a birdhouse for starlings, then raid the nest when the babies are of a size to be handfed. Research this carefully as hand feeding could be hard to do.

plans are online.
taking baby birds out of a nest is illegal i wouldnt do that and they are invasive and most likely need a license to own
Starlings are not a native specie and their destruction is encouraged whether it be adult, eggs, nests, young. They are detrimental to native species and are not protected. This can be verified online.

So, Heather Q, if you want one for a pet-go for it. No licence is required to have the bird.
Contact wildlife rehabbers in your area, they might be able to give you young starlings that they have in their care, preferrably ones that are big enough to feed themselves. I'm actually looking for some as well and extended some feelers to wildlife rehabilitation places in my area with varying degrees of success. At least one person told me they'd get back to me if they had any. It's not really nesting season yet for them where I live.

Raising baby songbirds is difficult and I think it'd be cruel to take one from a nest unless you were absolutely 100% beyond a doubt sure that you could raise it to adulthood.
The post above makes good sense. I have hand fed hundreds of baby birds successfully. It takes a steady hand, loads of patience, and lots of time and know how.

Hand feeding requires a commitment to a small living thing that requires your attention throughout the day.

So as I posted before, research this and be sure it's something you want to do. Much better to find a weaned starling.
@Heather Q Welcome to BYC!

I get heaps of wild starlings in my backyard. Here in Australia, it's illegal to keep wild birds as pets, whether they're invasive or not.

Whether it's legal or not to take baby birds where you are, I would not recommend it. It is much better to put in a bit of extra effort to find a reputable breeder. Some of the BYC members from your area may be able to help.

Good luck :)
Honestly, if I were you, I would go and take one chick from the nest, but before I do that, I would do some research, how to feed the baby, how to provide optimal temperure. I don't really think it's rude to get one chick, after all, you are gonna rise it and it will live better life that it would live outside. I have starlings in my backyard, they are awesome birds. However, their conservation status is like least concern, so why wouldn't you get one.
Thank you all for your ideas. I do see them semi frequently in my neighborhood but definitely dont want to invade or disrespect a nesting period. I just think they are really cute and I want to raise one and teach it how to talk. There are no breeders in my area unfortunately. Is there a way to design a birdhouse specifically to attract starlings vs other birds?

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