StarLover's Class On: ~Drawing Roosters~ *first assignment up" *assigments due TOMMOROW!*

Okay, guys, sorry this took me so long!

I have the next lesson up!

Here are the steps I take to drawing a roosters feathers (excuse the head)

Step one:

Draw the roosters outline.

Step Two:
Draw 5-6 long slender tail feathers. Don't draw too many.

Step Three:

Kinda 'fill' it in with hen-like feathers.

Step Four:

Draw the saddle feathers, and the quick outline of the wing.

Step Five: Draw the hackle feathers

And your rooster is complete! Yes, I know, this one is not my best. Just take it as a simple tutorial.

Now, for your next assigment:

This is Symphony's rooster, Amigo. All credit goes to her for the picture! Thanks for letting us use this, Symphony!

In this image you can cleary see the feathers. Yes, it's at a hard angle, which is one of the reasons I'm making you draw it! :)

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awe I was looking through this post and it just dropped off/ended and had no more replies like it was forgotten. what happen to this class?
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