Started Bearded Silkies 2 White & 2 Partridge~ NPIP *BUY IT NOW*


10 Years
Jul 4, 2009
Please Understand I cannot ship to Virginia or out of the United States. Please also understand that shipping birds is always a risk and I cannot be held responsible for them once they leave my hands and will ship with precaution. I will not ship them if it is too hot at your end. Please be aware of your weather before buying.

BUY IT NOW: $20.00 SHIPPING: $40.00 Includes box price and 72 HR Heat pack.


I do not claim these to be SQ as I do not show my birds.
2 Bearded White Silkie Chicks & 2 Bearded Partridge Silkie Chicks 2 weeks old. All silkies are Bearded and have the correct amount of toes and nice Foot Feathering.

PAYMENTS ACCEPTED: Money Order or Paypal- [email protected]

Pictures are of actual Silkie chicks you will be receiving.

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