Started pullets?

If you paid for pullets, than by all means take them back and get a pullet. The seller had to know or at least be suspicious. There are distinct gender differences with BR. The barring is whiter, the comb is redder, there is no black wash on the legs and ge has a more upright stance. See how different his comb and shape are to the other birds in the picture. They are pullets.
This is my first time with chickens. I feel like a total idiot that I brought home a cockerel and didn't take the time to inspect them properly. I looked them over for signs of illness and bumble foot because the pen was crammed full of chickens and turkeys. He scooped the birds up with the biggest net I have ever seen.
This is my first time with chickens. I feel like a total idiot that I brought home a cockerel and didn't take the time to inspect them properly. I looked them over for signs of illness and bumble foot because the pen was crammed full of chickens and turkeys. He scooped the birds up with the biggest net I have ever seen.
First time, don't feel like an idiot.
It takes time and experience to be able to spot gender in different birds at a young age.
Call the guy and see what he says...chances are it's not going to be a problem to exchange or get another pullet.

I'd advise to bring home 2 or 3 tho because integrating one bird into a flock can be highly problematic.
First time, don't feel like an idiot.
It takes time and experience to be able to spot gender in different birds at a young age.
Call the guy and see what he says...chances are it's not going to be a problem to exchange or get another pullet.

I'd advise to bring home 2 or 3 tho because integrating one bird into a flock can be highly problematic.
thanks aart. I just brought them home yesterday. Do you think just switching out the Barred would be a problem for the remaining two already? They all came from the same place.
The sooner you can do it the better, today would be's about territory.
Once birds feel at home in a place it is their territory and they don't cotton to interlopers.

oh man. The sellers isn't available until tomorrow around six. I might consider bringing home two instead of one, but what benefit is bringing more that one if you don't mind explaining? I really would rather just have one. The seller insists it isn't a cockerel but has agreed to switch him out for me.

I managed to catch him thinking I would be able to trade him out today. Should I keep him in the crate until tomorrow night? I feel bad for him.
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oh man. The sellers isn't available until tomorrow around six. I might consider bringing home two instead of one, but what benefit is bringing more that one if you don't mind explaining? I really would rather just have one. The seller insists it isn't a cockerel but has agreed to switch him out for me.

I managed to catch him thinking I would be able to trade him out today. Should I keep him in the crate until tomorrow night? I feel bad for him.

The seller may be relying on the hatchery vent sexing as being reliable and not be someone with the experience and knowledge to know that a) they aren't always right and b) how to tell the differences themselves.
Introducing a single bird is more problematic as it gives the other birds only one "target" to go after, at least with more than one bird there is a chance of respite from the introductory bullying that can take place during integration as the rest of the flock spreads their "welcoming attitude" around on more than one new bird.
This one I am switching out is missing lots of feathers on his back like he has been pecked. But the girls I have are the ones getting bullied by him. The two pullets seem very well-mannered and haven't pecked each other or him at all yet. The Austrolorp is very shy. The "Americauna" is slightly more bold and curious. Maybe I will get lucky. I am not sure I want to get two more from this guy. But I have awhile to think about it. what to do what to do?

Thanks for your advice!

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