Starting a Muscovy Duck Club

IMO it should serve both. Many people who have never own waterfowl may stumble upon the page and decide to look into picking up a few. Most people who get their ducks probably aren't going to get SQ until they have gotten used to raising ducks.Also if we narrow it down to just SQ we could lose a lot of potential muscovy lovers because they may feel their birds arent "good enough" to join the site.
Has anyone decided what we will use as a logo? Or do you want me to do a black and white sillewet ( so badly misspelled my spell checker didn't get it)?
By tomorrow I will have a tool bar where we can chat live and send messages to those with the tool bar.
As well as links etc, but the live chat will really help get this moving.
Great Job
. You've worked really hard on this project. Thank you so much
I think the only way for any club to progress is to allow people that may not have that breed, type etc to join and see if they do like it. Ownership isn't as important in my opinion as interest.

Ok.. back to work for me..
By the way.. when my inbox is full, there is an "email" option so you can email directly. If its important I don't mind that at all.
Also to add in on my part. The feral muscovy population is bad down here and i would like to help spread awarness threw florida so we can prevent what has happened in Ocala from happening a 3rd time. And if this club would help then that would be amazing!

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