Starting Again. A Reintroduction.


13 Years
Nov 13, 2008
Salina, OK
I haven’t been here in a long, long time. At least 9 years I bet. But I’m back now, refreshing my memory as I wait in anticipation of my first order of chicks! And my very first purchase of meat birds! So excited :ya I’ve missed these emojis by the way. I’ve got 15 broilers, 20 pullets, and 11 straight runs due in February.

A quick catch up. I haven’t had birds in 9 or 10 years. I love Delaware’s, and Lorps, and EE’s, and Cochins... and those crazy flighty seabrights. Guineas, and geese as well.

I’m married to my bff, we have a small homestead, I’m pretty “crunchy” I’ve had some experience with most farm animals. We have 4 young children, and we unschool/wildschool.
Last year pushed me back towards my dreams of a rather self sustaining homestead, and after jumping into gardening, this year it’s full steam ahead in everything I can actually manage doing.
It’s good to be back!

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