Starting Chicks on Cup Waterer


In the Brooder
May 29, 2019
Nashville, TN
Hi everyone!

I have 2 older girls and am ordering some baby chicks next week. My current hens use a 5-gallon bucket watering system with the little cup drinkers without issue (exactly like this one). They were given to me as adults though, so I'm not sure at what age they started with that system.

So my question is, will I be able to make a smaller version of that waterer to "start" my chicks on in the brooder? I'm sure once they get out with the older girls they'll be "shown" how to use the cups, but I thought it might be easier if they have one from the get-go instead. I've seen some conflicting information on whether or not they're strong enough to push the little tab and refill the cup, however. Has anyone tried this? Should I just get a screw-top chick waterer for the time being and let them figure out the other system when they're integrated into the coop?

Thanks in advance!!
I love that drinker cup for non-freezing weather and adult birds but I don't think it will work for chicks. There is another drinker cup with a float that always keeps water in it that would work better but it is much harder to clean than the one you are using.
Nipples are likely the best way to go for chicks with your setup. Horizontal or vertical nipples work. There are advantages to each.
Use a old milk jug plastic or 1 quart bucket let the cup fill put each peeps beak in the cup to get it wet they will do the rest
Have used the cups and the VN's...but...
I prefer Horizontal Nipples for many reasons.
Compact, clean, less dripping...and most of all easy to heat in my winters.
I have them available to chicks from the get go,
but it takes a few weeks for them to master them,
so also have the typical open chick water until 2-3 weeks I start to take it away for most the day.

Here's one of my articles on HN usage.

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