Starting out as a duck mama

Have you noticed the feet of the smaller ones? Hatchery mark them before they sell them but someone could have hatched these also.The Rouen was def someone’s duck at one time.
Yeah I don't see a mark on them. I'm not 100% sure what I'm looking for, but looks like they have their back toes and I can't see a punch in the webs. If someone hatched them and released them that would explain how the rouen got mixed in. I was wondering if maybe one of the domestic ducks at the ponds mated with a mallard. It's just odd to me that they were all about the same age and together and bonded like they are when one is different. If they had all been owned by someone and released it would make sense. Do you think it's possible that these mallards were domestic then even without a mark? (I want to keep them all lol)
Possibility. thing is adopt them and then in the fall when migration is going on they will just be in your back yard right? they have the choice of leaving or staying so you aren't keeping them against their will. The Rouen of course will stay she can't fly off. And the others may stay too since they are bonded to each other.

They'll need a safe place for sleeping and laying their eggs. They need feed like an All flock Purina makes one. All flock is for all poultry then you'll need oyster shell for the calcium they will need to lay strong eggs. Oyster shell in separate bowl they will use as needed.

Fresh water in something they can dunk their heads into so they can keep their eyes and nares clean. Most of us use buckets. and you can get rubber pans at TSC for feeding. They don't tip over easily when a foot gets in one. At their age they don't need feed and water over night but their sleeping quarters will need to have good ventilation for summer and winter.
Thank you so much for the help! That is true, once they can fly they have the option to leave if they want to, except the rouen of course. And my backyard backs right up to a walking path and the creek they hang out in, so if they want to go back it's right there. They are getting their flight feathers now so it won't be long before they can fly if they want.

I am feeding all flock right now, so I'm glad to hear it's good. I was feeding unmedicated chick starter crumbs with some other duck pellets and have been switching to all flock. I sometimes have some oats mixed in because I was worried about them getting too much protein.

I have been looking at some chicken coops, what kind of house do you have for yours? My husband says we need to get the last side of fencing up before we catch them, hopefully it won't be too long till then. Of course if we had a run for them the fence wouldn't matter as much.
This was a storage shed when we bought in 1995 then my husband built his Harley a house and that got took over then we built a house for our geese. It just goes on an on lol I started out with 4 Muscovy in 2004 then added geese in 2007 then chickens in 2009. Now I have 42 total.


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Hello. I have a made a couple post about some orphaned ducklings I have been feeding and watching over for 5 weeks now. They live in the creek behind my house. They started coming to my door waiting to be fed but lately they stay by the creek and wait for me. They come when I call and eat out of my hand. I have been told one of them is a rouen, the others I believe are mallards though they are a bit bigger than the other mallards at the same age but perhaps that is because I'm feeding them?

Anyway, we are considering giving the rouen a forever home. I'd love to keep them all, but I know that if they are wild mallards it's not legal to do so. If we do keep the rouen we will make sure to get her a friend or two. I have mixed feelings because she seems happy where she is, and I'd hate to take her from her friends but as I understand it rouens can not fly and that leaves her vulnerable to predators, which there are around here. So I have been thinking it over a lot, we had hoped to get ducks in the future anyway, but where on earth do I start if we do this? I know they need a secure house at night, like a chicken coop. Do they need a run for the day or are they safe roaming the backyard without supervision? A kiddie pool to swim in? I have lots of reading to do still but I'd love any advice from people here please!View attachment 1832105 View attachment 1832106
Thank you so much for the help! That is true, once they can fly they have the option to leave if they want to, except the rouen of course. And my backyard backs right up to a walking path and the creek they hang out in, so if they want to go back it's right there. They are getting their flight feathers now so it won't be long before they can fly if they want.

I am feeding all flock right now, so I'm glad to hear it's good. I was feeding unmedicated chick starter crumbs with some other duck pellets and have been switching to all flock. I sometimes have some oats mixed in because I was worried about them getting too much protein.

I have been looking at some chicken coops, what kind of house do you have for yours? My husband says we need to get the last side of fencing up before we catch them, hopefully it won't be too long till then. Of course if we had a run for them the fence wouldn't matter as much.
I don't consider myself an expert but your pictures like very much like juvenile mallard ducklings.....they could be flying any day now. The adult feathers don't come in until fall. If you first starting feeding them as little tiny ducklings then I expect they lost their mother. I guess you will find out in due time. Have a wonderful time feeding them...
I'm glad they have you and that you have taken the time to care for them and learn all you can. Simular to how I got hooked lol. Predator issues will be your biggest worry right now I think, day and night. I keep my girls in a storage, laundry room at night. I didn't have a pen ready when I got them. Once we built the pen we decided they liked their room and kept bedtime routine the same. During the day they have a run, a predator proof pen then free range while supervised. The day I chased off a hawk waving a broom in the air...I knew I had officially become that crazy duck lady lol. It's a badge I wear proudly. I love my ducks and I can tell you love yours. Congratulations on your new ducks!

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