starting to notice lots of thin shells


9 Years
Apr 20, 2015
corpus christi, tx 78413
I've getting lots of broken eggs the past few months...some of the eggs are notably thin.

The girls are about 2 years old. They get layer feed and get to free range a section of the backyard daily, all day long (nothing but dirt is left).

I have crushed oyster shell available next to the water and feed station all the time. But they never seem to take any as it's always there and I have not had to refill it.

I thought chickens would seek out the oyster shell if they need calcium?

Do I need to crush the oyster more or perhaps mix it in the feeder?

I'm feeding TSC brand layer feed. Is there a higher calcium brand out there?
I would suggest mixing the oyster shells in with their feed. You can also give the egg shells back to them to eat and regain that calcium. The feed you have listed should be good. As long as it has calcium in it enough for the shells, they should be good.
Your hens are likely going into winter rest and molt. This change of hormones in the body can affect calcium absorption, resulting in poor shell quality.

Continue to offer oyster shell along with the layer feed. But pay attention to the size and quality of the oyster shell particles. It's the opposite of what you have assumed on size. The smaller the particles the faster it runs through the hen's system and the less calcium is therefore absorbed. Be sure you dispose of oyster shell that has been reduced to useless powder and the particles are as large as possible.

And no, mixing oyster shell with the feed is not a good practice. Each hen chooses the amount of oyster shell she craves to satisfy her individual needs. Too much consumed in feed, over time, can be a strain on the kidneys.

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