State a fact about the person above you!

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(That came out a little harsher than I wanted it to.

Has a rabbit that is NOT an albino. :3
Mentally broken country girl? you have to be kidding me right?! you seriously think your mentally broken? and I am just palyin', I am the least scared of you. I can take bull from someone that is screaming in my face telling me they hate me, and you think I am a priss?
Nope, not kidding. Mentally shattered. Like, seriously.
but, I'm pretty much over it, so. :3

Hm. You're not the only one who can joke around, and you're not the only one who can take bull from people screaming.
Nope, not kidding. Mentally shattered. Like, seriously.
but, I'm pretty much over it, so. :3

Hm. You're not the only one who can joke around, and you're not the only one who can take bull from people screaming.
NA na na na na, if you told that to some one around here they would laugh off in your face calling you names. so now you tell me who's feelings does really count? huh? now your taking it like its some everyday thing, and who is the one who is saying to man up and saying this and that, bull, I swear, its just a bunch of bull.
NA na na na na, if you told that to some one around here they would laugh off in your face calling you names. so now you tell me who's feelings does really count? huh? now your taking it like its some everyday thing, and who is the one who is saying to man up and saying this and that, bull, I swear, its just a bunch of bull.
I don't really mind if they did, because it's the exact same thing up here. Laughed at, cheated, betrayed, called names, spoken about behind your back - look bro, it's all the same. And I couldn't seriously care any freaking less. Because I know that I have people who love me and would never betray me around. So, as long as I have at least one person to turn to, which I do, I'll be just fine. ETA: Go ahead and call me names, I really don't care anymore. Go ahead and cheat me and betray me, give me that vacant stare, I'll just shrug it off. It's all nothingness to me anymore. Everyday occurances.

And I'm telling you that because I've learned to man up myself. I don't get frustrated or angry at the universe anymore, I could really care less about the flashbacks, and I can handle pain. Both physical and emotional. I'm just offering solid advice, not trying to make fun of you or anything.
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I don't really mind if they did, because it's the exact same thing up here. Laughed at, cheated, betrayed, called names, spoken about behind your back - look bro, it's all the same. And I couldn't seriously care any freaking less. Because I know that I have people who love me and would never betray me around. So, as long as I have at least one person to turn to, which I do, I'll be just fine. Go ahead and call me names, I really don't care anymore. I'm somewhat like an emotionless robot. Somewhat.

And I'm telling you that because I've learned to man up myself. I don't get frustrated or angry at the universe anymore, I could really care less about the flashbacks, and I can handle pain. Both physical and emotional. I'm just offering solid advice, not trying to make fun of you or anything.
so then why do you say your mentally broken? cause you live in the past and you tell yourself that you are tuff, but are you really? does it really matter what people say? no, like you just said, so why are you taking any crap from anyone? now you have to be kiding me about this. only if you knew where I come from. you probably live in a state that is not as manly. now you still gonna tell me that? you think anywhere where I live someones "afraid" of you? Never got into a real fight cause where you come from is wimpy.
@Shadowrabbit10: You get used to it, you really do. I'm still somewhat new to the school I go to (only been there for three years now), and I hear the exact same crap all the time.

There's only just one catch - I always have to have someone to turn to. Someone who loves me for me, and would beat the living crap out of anyone who turned on me. So.
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