State a fact about yourself!

              Hey!!!  I was wondering, you now that thread "rate the signature above" ?  Well I was wondering what a signature was.  Thanks!!!!

A signature is the messages that show up every time you post. For example, mine is a joke. It says "what do you give a sick bird?" And then it says underneath that "the answer to the joke (click to show)." That is my signature. To make one, you have to go onto your profile and scroll down until you find the little thing that says "edit signature" with a little pencil by it.
Found out that I have the unusual ability to send myself into deep meditation almost instantly. Most people take weeks or more to achieve the state before astral projection (a state of meditation so deep that you no longer register physical noises) and I got there within forty five minutes of my first time meditating. And no, I'm not lying. Several people were shocked, lol.
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Found out that I have the unusual ability to send myself into deep meditation almost instantly. Most people take weeks or more to achieve enlightenment (a state of medication so deep that you no longer register physical noises) and I got there within forty five minutes of my first time meditating. And no, I'm not lying. Several people were shocked, lol.
Oh. I tried meditation once. I don't really like it. When I want to cool down I just listen to my music.
I adopted my horse Phoenix from a government program, which adopts out some horses from the wild horse herds so they stay small enough, which means less disease and hunger for the herd.

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