Stella's Social Club

My son and his family are coming for a visit! They'll be here for a long weekend on the Fourth of July. I am really excited. haven't seen them in a year. they live in Palm Springs and most of the time it is too hot for me to visit. I am going to go visit them this winter come hell or high water. I haven' t
even been to their house in Palm Springs since they moved from Blythe. My grandson Buddy is in a golf tournament the 1st through the 3rd. I am going to go watch him play golf at the course around the corner from our house. I am excited to watch him do something less dangerous than ATV racing. Thanks goodness he no longer races. He has his heart set on a golf scholarship.

I' ll be babbling about his visit until it's over so brace yourselves.
My daughter in law DeeDee and grandson Buddy.



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Well actually Diva, the first batch of cookies were about the size of my head and I have a big head! I had to switch to a much smaller cookie scoop!

Now THAT is my kind of cookie!
I'd rather have the ice cream though.

Today I hit 888 blog posts in five and a half years. That's one every other day!

Everyone is growing so fast it's crazy!!!

What breed do you think this is?
Black Sex link pullet.

My son and his family are coming for a visit! They'll be here for a long weekend on the Fourth of July. I am really excited. haven't seen them in a year. they live in Palm Springs and most of the time it is too hot for me to visit. I am going to go visit them this winter come hell or high water. I haven' t
even been to their house in Palm Springs since they moved from Blythe. My grandson Buddy is in a golf tournament the 1st through the 3rd. I am going to go watch him play golf at the course around the corner from our house. I am excited to watch him do something less dangerous than ATV racing. Thanks goodness he no longer races. He has his heart set on a golf scholarship.

I' ll be babbling about his visit until it's over so brace yourselves.
Yay! I know how much you look forward to their visits.

Going to Palm Springs, that's a very long drive for you! Looks like I'll have a winter job too, huh?
I know I enjoy your blog. Your grandson certainly looks like a golfer in the photo.
He started playing golf at age 3. He didn't play as much after he started racing but took it up again in a bid to win a college golf scholarship. He is the first freshman to make it to the Varsity Golf team at La Quinta High School.

From the newspaper:


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