Stella's Social Club

Question for Rinda - I inspected my hive today and the population is booming. There is still room in the top box (outer 2 on each side are still empty) and they are working/capping frames in the super. I pulled the super off and on a couple of frames at the bottom there were a few queen cups, but they are empty. Is there a time frame from when a cup is made to when the queen lays in it? I know that once the queen lays in it, it's 15 days or so until you have a swarm. (since the new queen hatches in 16 days) I'd like to split the hive if they are going to swarm and not lose them.
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Question for Rinda - I inspected my hive today and the population is booming. There is still room in the top box (outer 2 on each side are still empty) and they are working/capping frames in the super. I pulled the super off and on a couple of frames at the bottom there were a few queen cups, but they are empty. Is there a time frame from when a cup is made to when the queen lays in it? I know that once the queen lays in it, it's 15 days or so until you have a swarm. (since the new queen hatches in 16 days) I'd like to split the hive if they are going to swarm and not lose them.

Kelly, where are champion bee keepers when you need them.? SuperchemicalGirl (user) knows all about bees - she;s usually on the Oldfolkshome I think she goes by SCG- my brain doesn't work well.

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