Stella's Social Club

Sad news in AZ today.

My 29 year old nephew passed away.

Huge shock.

He was an officer for the Arizona Department of Public Safety (Highway Patrolman)

Such a good kid.  

We are all devastated.   He is the son of my partner in the dental building, (My brother Dale)

I was hiking down the mountain with my little girl when I got the call.

I hope I get an ounce of sleep tonight.

If you pray, pray for me and for my Brother and Sister-in-law... so PAINFUL.

So sorry to hear this sad news. My prayers and thoughts are with you and family.
Great pictures Deb! Your DH looks like he is even enjoying the job!

I have worked the past 2 nights and I have been so darn tired. Must be old age. I just can't seem to get enough rest these days.

Our local dealer that I used to buy emu feed from is no longer in business. So, I started calling around to the small towns nearby. I hit gold! YAY!

I found a dealer that supplies an emu farm! About 38 miles from me. Not only that..... he gave the guy my name and phone number and he called me! We talked for about a half hour and I was nearly late for work.

He has emus since the early 1990s. He used to have around 600. I forgot how many, but I believe he said he now keeps less than 20. He butchers. He hatches. He shares. A nice guy on the phone and I am gonna meet up with him one day soon. He is going to give me some eggs for a friend of mine to do art work with.

I asked him if he had a vet. He said there is no need, as emus are so easy to care for - they nearly take care of themselves. He said the only problem he has ever had is a mite that is in the poop of wild geese. It will get on an emu and eat away their skin and trachea. Is that weird, or what?

600 hundred emus!
Oh Dar, I cannot think of anything more difficult in life than to lose a child or a nephew for that matter. My heartfelt sympathies go out to you and yours. You are always there to hold everyone else up and I am confident your kindness will be repaid at this sad time. Wish I lived closer. I would take over your chicken chores while you spend time with family and friends. It has been a sad week with the news of Karen and Amelia and now Dar's loss.

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