Stella's Social Club

Kathy downsizing yet AGAIN makes me think of Kohls ad hype "Lowest prices of the season" that runs at least every two weeks throughout the year - how many seasons are we supposed to have?

Just teasing you Kathy. It's like my weight, if I lose a few ounces nobody notices but me. I mean if you have a 1,000 ,000 chickens and dump 100 in the woods would anyone notice???
When I moved here, last September I took a picture of the pond area. Yes, there is a small garden pond under that mess.

Here it is a couple of days ago. I am working with a non-existing budget. :)

Still has a long way to go. But it is a start.

Gave away a bunch of chicks. I am working on the Alohas and I did not like what I was getting so I am pretty much starting over. I kept a couple, but I got rid of about 40 chicks. Parent's are gonna be the next to go. Feed costs too much to be raising them up and hoping for some quality.

My dang Violet Laced Wyandottes are driving me crazy! Fertility is horrible. I am lucky to get 2 chicks out of 15 eggs set. I have a trio. I have trimmed them and everything.

I guess I am not too good at lurking. Hi Kelly and Mary. See I am participating.
It looks beautiful!
Granddaughter's frizzle laid her first egg today. She was so excited. She made a nest for it and then said she wanted to be a chicken too.
How sweet!

Quote: Younger than me.

Kathy downsizing yet AGAIN makes me think of Kohls ad hype "Lowest prices of the season" that runs at least every two weeks throughout the year - how many seasons are we supposed to have?

Just teasing you Kathy. It's like my weight, if I lose a few ounces nobody notices but me. I mean if you have a 1,000 ,000 chickens and dump 100 in the woods would anyone notice???

My kids are 16, 14, 12, 10, 10, 6, 2 & -.4

I had no idea you had that many kids Shawn.

All of you with that many kids must have a TON of patience! My 2 drive me batty some days! DH's brother has 6 kids.
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My downsizing is in progress! Tonight I got rid of so many chickens, I lost count. Yesterday I sold about 20, also. I will have to try to count tomorrow. I plan to call, "The Trader Show," tomorrow with, "free roosters!"

I am gearing up for a decent downsize myself. Just has to be done.
Good Morning Everyone!

I was feeling real old
reading everyone's posts..........until Kathy said she had a 19 year old grandchild!
Now I'm only feeling a little old.....

Mary, Cute granddaughter! I doubt she'll be able to sit still long enough to hatch that egg though....I know my granddaughter wouldn't be able to!

Kathy, Good luck with the downsizing! I know I'm already anxious for these Freedom Rangers to get grown and to the processor. Too many takes the enjoyment out of them and makes them just work.

Sent GNH eggs to coldupnorth on Monday. I hope they arrive safely.

It was 95 F here yesterday! What a change from the day before when we had frost and a high of 58 F.

Seinna, The Other Mary
Ok, comments on my blog is fixed at least for the most recent posts. The last update of the Genesis framework globally defaulted the comments on all 70 of my posts going back to 2009! There is no bulk action to get it back. I am having to do it manually for each post. I'll get it done though! It's always something!

Thanks for pointing it out to me Kathy and those who tested it.

Right now I need to get out and a clean a coop so I can move some juvies!
I am 64. My son is 46 and my daughter is 44. Grandchildren on my side of our blended family are 19, 15, and 13. Having kids when you are a teenager is not a good idea then, but it is later! I have been an empty nester for 25 years, before I turned 40! Lots of time to enjoy grandchildren who are waaaaay better than children.

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