Stella's Social Club

Thank you - he is a sweetheart so far, but he's only just getting to breeding age. The main guy is definitely in charge,( they are the same age). and as soon as there gets to be a problem between them (I'm sure there will be) I will separate them - I don't want my sweet boy beaten up! They are not yet moved in with the older girls.

Diva, another sister, named Frilly, looks like a butterscotch sundae - got to get a picture.
I just wanted to ask if everyone keeps straw in the chicken house when the weather is hot are do you just clean it out daily that is what I do with out the straw

Yikes, shopping all day for drapes. I needed six panels for 3 windows in adjacent rooms so they needed to match. Good grief I went all over town before I found anything I halfway liked with six available. Get them home and hang them and they are all different lengths! Been hemming drapes all evening after paying way too much money for them in the first place!

Went to every Home Depot in two counties before finding two mgniblinds the correct length in white.

I was gone from 8:30 this morning to just before five pm! I am exhausted. I am going to iron two more panels then go to bed. House is looking good and I really do enjoy the nesting part, but I am beat up!
I do not use straw at all, just shavings, and clean out once yearly (deep litter method)

It is astonishing how many TOTALLY ugly curtains are available in the stores. Last time I shopped I ended up hemming sheets rather than choosing from the selection of horrid colors, patterns and fabrics available in the curtain departments.
I do not use straw at all, just shavings, and clean out once yearly (deep litter method)

It is astonishing how many TOTALLY ugly curtains are available in the stores.  Last time I shopped I ended up hemming sheets rather than choosing from the selection of horrid colors, patterns and fabrics available in the curtain departments.

Amen sister.
I didn't find straw absorbed moisture well. I loved how it looked when fresh though and I could shovel it out with a pitch fork. Now that I only have seven chickens I just use shavings, relax, and eat Bon bons. :)

Oops, forgot to say welcome to the newcomers! :frow
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I do not use straw at all, just shavings, and clean out once yearly (deep litter method)

It is astonishing how many TOTALLY ugly curtains are available in the stores. Last time I shopped I ended up hemming sheets rather than choosing from the selection of horrid colors, patterns and fabrics available in the curtain departments.

Amen sister.
Ditto that!

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