Stella's Social Club

I can't believe I am saying this but I think I am going to get Tucker clipped short.
Because of all the rain we had this year, our property is now covered in clover burrs. They get stuck in Tucker's coat and he cries when we have to try and get them out. I am serious, we can't even walk barefoot on the sidewalk. I went out in flip flops today and the fabric piece between my toes had six burrs in it. Hurt like heck. He is so cute scruffy but I can't bear to hear him cry out. We can't even cut them out because his hair wraps around them. It'll grow back, right? he will just look goofy until the next drought.
Poor Tucker. ShowSheen can help get the burrs out

I painted this huge dresser yesterday and just sold it online ten minutes after listing it. Got $495.00 for it. Quadrupled my money again but i should have asked more. That is too quick a sale.

Lovely, glad you got it sold.

Cute, for a very spoiled dog though.
I've seen pictures of your "dog bed". I think a dog that gets the couch is spoiled.

I didn't say my dogs weren't spoiled.

I went to check my hives, and my smaller hive is bearding in the heat. We are 95 out now, and the hive isn't shaded yet. My large hive is not bearding, but there are some on the patio directing air flow into the hive. We are in our prime blackberry flow, and they are curing the honey. Nothing better than the soft hum of bees wings and the scent of curing honey in the air.

I went to check my hives, and my smaller hive is bearding in the heat. We are 95 out now, and the hive isn't shaded yet. My large hive is not bearding, but there are some on the patio directing air flow into the hive. We are in our prime blackberry flow, and they are curing the honey. Nothing better than the soft hum of bees wings and the scent of curing honey in the air.

I can almost smell it!

And blackberries! When we lived in VA yrs. ago, us kids would go pick wild huge blackberries. They are so expensive here!

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