Stephen King's Reading Corner

So happy to join other fans of King and chickens. All in one place, too!

My favorite was The Dark Tower series, but I've come to love the newest stuff too. It's different to be sure, but better after he seemed to mentally heal after his accident.

Dr. Sleep was good,! Loved The Colorado Kid and The Dome was so dark I could almost feel it emanating from the pages.

Least favorite was The Tommyknockers. I also thought the end of It was stupid. A giant spider? Really?

I'm currently reading Sleeping Beauties. So far, so good.
Who else remembers "Christine"? That was one of his earlier ones that I enjoyed. Freaky car!
I do! I do!:ya

I agree with Stand By Me, The Green Mile and the Shawshank Redemption being good movies. I also liked the Carrie movie.

So many of his books though don't seem to translate to movies very well. There's so much detail in the books, I get a clear idea of the stories in my head and then Hollywood messes it all up. One of the worst (IMO) was the The Shining with Jack Nicholson...horrible! And the actress that played the part of the wife (Shelley something?), I wanted to whack her with an axe myself before the movie was over.
Oh ya. . I spoke too soon. I love stand by me and Shawshank movies. ..ok so I guess green Mike isn't the only good one. However I never read those two books so maybe that's why lol
Those two books translate well to movies just as Green Mile did. Other than the richness of character development, those inner thoughts you get in the books, you didn't miss much by not reading them.
Those two books translate well to movies just as Green Mile did. Other than the richness of character development, those inner thoughts you get in the books, you didn't miss much by not reading them.
I think that's what I like most about the king books is the "inner thoughts" of the characters. It really makes you feel like you have a personal connection with the characters.
I think that's what I like most about the king books is the "inner thoughts" of the characters. It really makes you feel like you have a personal connection with the characters.

Yes! It's like you know the character personally. He's good at making you love or hate a character isn't he? Although when movies are made I often don't like them because the actor doesn't fit my image based on that richness of character in the book.
I'm getting to care less what an actor looks like and more about how well they bring life to that character; however, even with perfect casting, a terrible director, writer, special effects team, or a production team can make that perfect cast perform in an awful movie.

The Shining was a pretty good book, but I haven't seen the movies.
So since there are a bunch of King fans here, if you all suggest one other author we might get ourselves quite a fun new reading list.

Jeff Long — “The Descent” & (sequel) “Deeper”
I have read “The Descent” probably 8+ times after buying it on a whim at a yard sale back in the 90’s. I paid $2 for it at a time when I didn’t typically didn’t pay more than 25cents for a yard sale book... I’m so glad I did!
The copy I bought is a 1st edition, 1st printing. Since then, I’ve bought (online) at least 3 other 1st editions of both “Descent” & “Deeper”, 2 signed by Long.
THAT’S how awesome of a talent I think he is.
He has several other titles out there that are pretty danged good, but I think these two are his best.

I'm in.. considering my bookshelf has mainly King and Koontz books.

Favorite will always be The Stand. I read it at least once a year (and own about 7 copies). My fav short story is You Know They Got a Hell of a Band. Must read!
The Stand. Hands down.(another reason I love ya, D! Not a stalker, I swear. :bow )

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