STEVE!!! BABY TURKEY with severely curled toes HELP again??

Thank you sonew123 and Steve for the information that both of you posted. I had a baby chick that hatched yesterday and I had no idea what I was going to do to fix those curled toes. The information that both of you have provided here will allow me to help this little baby. Below is a pic of my little one that hatched yesterday. I wasn't home when this baby was born. My friend emailed me the pic. I wasn't sure it this was spraddled leg or a broken leg. When I got home, it appears that a tendon may have popped out of joint. I can bend the leg back into place but the toes are curled the same as sonew123 explained. I now have the legs taped with a bandaid as I would to fix the spraddle leg. I racked my brain all night long last night trying to think of a way to straightened those curled toes. Sonew123's post and what she did helped tremendously. Thanks sonew123. Steve, as you explained further, gave me a vivid vision of what it should look like. Thanks to both of you. (I don't want to hi jack this thread but just wanted you all to see this baby that you have helped with your info provided.)


OK IM HOME AND RETAPED TOES! with packing tape- her legs go behind her when she tries to walk and trys to walk on tippy toes. i have to hold her the right way. Shes asleep with her legs and toes held properlt in my hand right now but im afraid shes not going to 'get it' while im at work all day...
Steve, is it something similar to my post #1 line 6?

I got 3 medium sized hand towels and rolled them up and shaped them like a “doughnut hole”. I placed each poult in their own doughnut hole towel so that the towel could support them. There was no room in the hole for them to fall back on their backs or sides. They remained in a standing or sitting position all day. They slept in a sitting position and sometimes in a leaning position.
But what about the fact I will be gone from 7 am until 4:30 pm? noone can give it water or food?
Would it be ok to go that long if I make sure it gets a good amount of feed and water? Im gabbing some pedialite/gatorade tomorrow...ugh my poor baby..its snuggling a tiny gorilla right now with feed ll over the small tupperware container I put it in-its see through-so all other chicks can see it and the other turkey sipped a little for me-I made a wet mash with poly-vi-sol no iron and it took very little. It IS resting in the right position though-poor thing just wants to walk on its toes and not stand in correct position!
I wanna cry
She is trying to stand the right way!!!
I have been working on her for 6 hours straight holding her in the right position over and over and OVER. For the last hour she has been crouched in the right standing position and actually walking-very unsteady BUT!!! she's getting it and working on her leg muscles the right way!!!! I will stay up for an other 15 minutes or so to make sure she's not going to fall into the small small cup of water I put in there for her...I added a drop of vitamins to color the water and she dipped right into it
Im so happy if I can get her to hang on for another day or so while she gains strength..It is my fault with the humidty I let drop while she was hatching out that sshe got STUCK bad in her shell! I owe her..
Thank you all for your help-sorry no photos yet hubs has the camera:(
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There is a thread where someone made a make-shift "wheelchair where the chick was secure in it and it has 2 coke bottle caps attached to the container that held water and feed. Let me try to find it ASAP. Do you have an old plastic container (yogurt, butter container, etc.) and 2 coke bottle caps laying around? I'll be right back. I'm looking for that thread for you.

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