Sticky Situation Advice?

Personally, i would not say anything to him( i wouldnt want to hurt anyones feelings that is trying to do something nice for me..)... I'd just fix it after he leaves..
But thats just how i am.
Good luck!
You poor thing! You do not strike me as very shy, so I say just go for it. Let the guy know, hey I appreciate your efforts but that is just not gonna fly around here.

If it were me, I would have stopped him immediately and shown him how to do it right....

It was a process of what. The frame was good even if the size was not at all what he said. I figured he'd do more crossbeams... measure something... but then one day he put the wires on... then the shadecloth (that was what #1).... then the green roof thing.. then the paint on the shadecloth... then the foil stuff.... it was one new thing a day... and I was just like UM UM UM someone... SOMEONE.... SOMEONE.... each day.... It was a progressive thing. It didn't start as one giant "holy f***".... it just was good... then okay... then huh... then what... then HOLY F***.

Which is why I'm just now going, okay really.. we NEED to say something BIG TIME. About more than just 'hey dude you sure you wanna use shadecloth? We have at least plywood or something...."

You CAN reuse the materials. But that thing has to be redone. What a pain in the butt!
Yeah he needs a place to live... which is why he's living with me. Still doesn't mean I can keep this thing he's built in my (very strict) suburban backyard.
Inspection is in a week, so I hope D (his other flatmate) gets to speak to him tonight. If not, I'll have to do it the rough way. Grr.

Tell the inspectors that it's a temporary shelter for the flood victims. LOL

Actually if this is the worse thing that comes from having a complete and total stranger stay with you then you are doing okay. I mean he could be mentally ill and murder you in your sleep or something. So a crappy chicken coop is pretty mild when you think about the worst.

You know when you really look at that thing it could be a cry for help. No telling how he will take it when he finds out his three weeks of hard work have been for nothing and you don't like it. He'll probably just shrug it off. I'm sure there's no need to worry to about it.
Red!!!! I did not expect that statement from you!!! You did see what an eyesore that thing is right?

Nah.. stuff like that doesnt bug me,.. it can be taken down when he leaves. I'd rather do that than hurt his feelings...
The guys in a tough place right now... homeless and just trying to be helpful to her for giving him a place to stay...
I'd keep my mouth shut and let him bang away.... then deal with it when he leaves.
Just my opinion... everyones different .
Red!!!! I did not expect that statement from you!!! You did see what an eyesore that thing is right?

Nah.. stuff like that doesnt bug me,.. it can be taken down when he leaves. I'd rather do that than hurt his feelings...
The guys in a tough place right now... homeless and just trying to be helpful to her for giving him a place to stay...
I'd keep my mouth shut and let him bang away.... then deal with it when he leaves.
Just my opinion... everyones different .

But but but..... she isn't taking away his living space status, just letting him know he may not be a great architect. And she does have a neighborhood board to deal with. And that is downright ugly.
Red!!!! I did not expect that statement from you!!! You did see what an eyesore that thing is right?

Nah.. stuff like that doesnt bug me,.. it can be taken down when he leaves. I'd rather do that than hurt his feelings...
The guys in a tough place right now... homeless and just trying to be helpful to her for giving him a place to stay...
I'd keep my mouth shut and let him bang away.... then deal with it when he leaves.
Just my opinion... everyones different .

I CAN'T deal with it when he leaves. Inspection is in five days and he's here 6 more weeks AT LEAST. His house hasn't even /started/ rebuild.

If the council sees this come inspection, I -will- get a warning.
Yeah he needs a place to live... which is why he's living with me. Still doesn't mean I can keep this thing he's built in my (very strict) suburban backyard.
Inspection is in a week, so I hope D (his other flatmate) gets to speak to him tonight. If not, I'll have to do it the rough way. Grr.

Tell the inspectors that it's a temporary shelter for the flood victims. LOL

Actually if this is the worse thing that comes from having a complete and total stranger stay with you then you are doing okay. I mean he could be mentally ill and murder you in your sleep or something. So a crappy chicken coop is pretty mild when you think about the worst.

You know when you really look at that thing it could be a cry for help. No telling how he will take it when he finds out his three weeks of hard work have been for nothing and you don't like it. He'll probably just shrug it off. I'm sure there's no need to worry to about it.

It was a process of what. The frame was good even if the size was not at all what he said. I figured he'd do more crossbeams... measure something... but then one day he put the wires on... then the shadecloth (that was what #1).... then the green roof thing.. then the paint on the shadecloth... then the foil stuff.... it was one new thing a day... and I was just like UM UM UM someone... SOMEONE.... SOMEONE.... each day.... It was a progressive thing. It didn't start as one giant "holy f***".... it just was good... then okay... then huh... then what... then HOLY F***.

Which is why I'm just now going, okay really.. we NEED to say something BIG TIME. About more than just 'hey dude you sure you wanna use shadecloth? We have at least plywood or something...."

You CAN reuse the materials. But that thing has to be redone. What a pain in the butt!

yeah that's why I want him to stop! Each day he works on it is another ten minutes of me knocking it down! D: (or maybe just a couple seconds..? ha)
Hey, do you happen to have a large garage? It looks light enough (sigh....) maybe you could "hide" it until the inspectors leave and just tell your guest you want everything to look neat for the inspection. Or is the inspection actually FOR the coop?? In which case......

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