Still gathering Muscovy info(domestic,northern living Muscovy anyhoo)

To people that know/love ducks-of course-but I was dealing with a campus cop talking to his superior and I heard the superior say "put it back" so nothing I could do at that time. I thought about lying that I didn't have anything but I am smarter than that(????).And the cop that stopped us was on my side but....I have another email in to the local humane society that told me to contact The osu prez office trying to make them understand that the ducks ARE starting to suffer and it needs to be dealt with BEFORE they show the neglect. ramble.
To people that know/love ducks-of course-but I was dealing with a campus cop talking to his superior and I heard the superior say "put it back" so nothing I could do at that time. I thought about lying that I didn't have anything but I am smarter than that(????).And the cop that stopped us was on my side but....I have another email in to the local humane society that told me to contact The osu prez office trying to make them understand that the ducks ARE starting to suffer and it needs to be dealt with BEFORE they show the neglect. ramble.
I sure hope you can get it worked out before it gets much colder.
Have you thought about going in person to talk with the Prez?
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I sure hope you can get it worked out before it gets much colder.
Have you thought about going in person to talk with the Prez?
Its crossed my mind but I have proven myself to cry when discouraged/angry and I don't look very professional(or WHATEVER the term would be??) I have to get stronger backbone b4 I try that. Right after last post got a call back from Gee's office saying the ducks were not astate property9tell me something I DIDN'T know...) nor could ODNR(wildlife division for Ohio) touch it(already knew that too) so.... and I was told someone else is inquiring about helping injured Drake(which I NOW believe is a nutritional deformity) so the whole thing is stupid. The ducks need off this pond NOW before they grow more crippled etc. And then there is the general public that thinks the ducks are so cute(i agree but as we know its not good for the DUCKS) and its mean to take them away.And I am going to contact the offices I mentioned and try to be pesty. am emailing the campus chief of police in a minute and I feel he's one of those that is seriously annoyed with concern for an animal. Thanks for listening
Its crossed my mind but I have proven myself to cry when discouraged/angry and I don't look very professional(or WHATEVER the term would be??) I have to get stronger backbone b4 I try that. Right after last post got a call back from Gee's office saying the ducks were not astate property9tell me something I DIDN'T know...) nor could ODNR(wildlife division for Ohio) touch it(already knew that too) so.... and I was told someone else is inquiring about helping injured Drake(which I NOW believe is a nutritional deformity) so the whole thing is stupid. The ducks need off this pond NOW before they grow more crippled etc. And then there is the general public that thinks the ducks are so cute(i agree but as we know its not good for the DUCKS) and its mean to take them away.And I am going to contact the offices I mentioned and try to be pesty. am emailing the campus chief of police in a minute and I feel he's one of those that is seriously annoyed with concern for an animal. Thanks for listening
If the ducks belong to no one why are they having such a hard time with you wanting to give them a warm safe home where you can give medical attention to the ones that need it. People are crazy. You need someone to do this with you, someone who knows how to talk to these people . Why not call the paper and see if some one would be interested in doing a story on the plight of these ducks, It may help you find some others willing to help with the rescue. Or maybe post a flyer saying at a certain time on such and such a day there will be a meeting to discuss how to help these ducks before winter really sets in. Find a place where those interested can meet with you and see what happens. Good luck
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Hi Miss Lydia-am not on here too often so slow response. I AM going to contact the campus paper, The Lantern, as they did the story a couple of yrs. ago when previous flock, muscovies, werre moved to another campus owned pond(like that helped-theres no proper food there either but I just learned of this)And I need help, true, but am extremely people ignorant and am trying to get attention from the Humane Society again. I have an acquaitance that runs a large feral cat rescue in nw cbus, very successfully, that may have suggestions but I deleted the email to her because I thought I was getting somewhere. Will try again.And the little bit I have done with feral cats I can tell you people will have tantrums if they see you trying to remove an animal they like. It is ignorance and I have no clue how to get the inhumaneness of whats happening across tactfully. Anyhoo- I am having nightmares about going on a zero degree night at 3 in morning and trying to get these ducks and there are light censors that give me away and the cops arrest me(LOL)(keep in mind the last sentence was JUST a nightmare and not true!!!!)and I have dirty chicken coop to clean so, later!!!!OK-Got a response to an email to DEPUTY chief of campus police-Hope hes more effective than Barney Fife.Said he would address the issue. Wont hold my breath.
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